Amenities → Neighbourhoods
Organizations relating to Neighbourhoods
International Good Neighbour Council / Monterrey, Mexico / Est. 1954
Pacific Neighbourhood Consortium / Taipei, Taiwan
World Neighbors / Oklahoma City OK, USA / Est. 1951
Euromed Heritage / Est. 1998
Arrangement Concerning Consultations Prior to the Installation in the Vicinity of the Frontiers of Permanent Stores of Explosive Substances for Civil Use / Est. 1950
Neighbour to Neighbour / Est. 1985
Good Neighbours Europe
Tacis Programme / Est. 1991
European Network of Neighbourhood Cultural Structures
European Convention Relating to Questions on Copyright Law and Neighbouring Rights in the Framework of Transfrontier Broadcasting by Satellite / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1994
Internationales Sachsensymposion - Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Archäologie der Sachsen und ihrer Nachbarvölker in Nordwesteuropa / Braunschweig, Germany / Est. 1949
Conference of the Regional and Local Authorities for the Eastern Partnership / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2011
Good Neighbors International / Buena Park CA, USA / Est. 1991
European Neighbourhood Council / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2016
View all profiles (18 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Neighbourhoods
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialPollution by aircraft
Excessive dependence of local communities on outside services
Underdeveloped community leadership
Environmental degradation of inner city areas
Breakdown of local community cohesion
Geographically isolated settlements
Neighbourhood control by criminals
Lack of integration of transport systems between neighbouring developing countries
Action Strategies relating to Neighbourhoods
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialCreating local currency systems
Using neighbourhood guerrilla tactics
Developing urban ecovillages
Clamping down on noisy neighbours
Establishing friendly relations among neighbouring cities
Making everyone a neighbour
Promoting local neighbourhood services
Coordinating neighbourhood labour resources
Preventing neighbourhood crime occurrence
Providing additional gathering places
Structuring regular community meetings
Forming neighbourhood care groups
Providing immediate neighbourhood access
Discovering inclusive neighbourhood wants
Organizing comprehensive community care
Performing common neighbourhood tasks
Enriching neighbourhood cultural life
Raising neighbourhood local concerns
Recognizing neighbouring states
Developing neighbouring communities' interest
Opening neighbourhood branch facility
Opening neighbourhood mini parks
Shaping new neighbour reception
Engaging all neighbourhood residents
Planning local neighbourhood life
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