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Social Activity → Friendship Groups

Organizations relating to Friendship Groups

Alliance of Pan American Round Tables / Est. 1944
Confederation of European Scouting / Braine-le-Comte, Belgium / Est. 1978
Fifty-One International / Brussels, Belgium
World Scout Bureau - European Regional Office / Geneva, Switzerland
Association of Round Tables in Eastern Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1954
Round Table Southern Africa / Kenton-on-Sea, South Africa / Est. 1951
Olave Baden-Powell Society / London, UK
Union of Thai Sanghas in Europe / Mechelen, Belgium
Kiwanis International / Indianapolis IN, USA / Est. 1915
Interamerican Scout Foundation / Irving TX, USA / Est. 1980
World Foundation for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts / New York NY, USA / Est. 1971
Inter Nordic Guide Club / Stockholm, Sweden
Order of World Scouts / Blandford Forum, UK / Est. 1911
Corps of Imperial Frontiersmen of the Commonwealth / Est. 1904
Association des Rotary clubs belges pour la coopération au développement / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1979
Europe et scoutisme / Céroux-Mousty, Belgium / Est. 1977
Hesperian Health Guides / Berkeley CA, USA / Est. 1973
Environment Fellowship of Rotarians / Apia, Samoa / Est. 1989
National Association of Round Tables of Great Britain and Ireland / Birmingham, UK / Est. 1927
Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1956
Scouts on Stamps Society International / Kennewick WA, USA / Est. 1951
General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1876
International Union of Muslim Scouts / Jeddah, Saudi Arabia / Est. 1992
Europa-Scouts / Est. 1951
Arab Tour Guides Federation / Cairo, Egypt
Coopération francophone des associations de scoutisme laïque / Est. 1983
World Peace Brigade / Est. 1961
Arab Guides' Union
International Union of the Pluralist-Secular Scout-Guide Associations / Turin, Italy
International Office for Catholic Scouting / Est. 1920
South Asia Association of National Scout Organization
European Free Scouts / La-Chapelle-Saint-Luc, France
Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World / Winston-Salem NC, USA / Est. 1898
International Advisory Committee on Scouting with the Handicapped
International Order of the Armadillo / Jacksonville FL, USA / Est. 1982
International Catholic Scout Foundation / Est. 1986
Immouzzer Lions International Foundation / Brussels, Belgium
International Brotherhood of Live Steamers / Jefferson ME, USA / Est. 1932
Compagnons missionnaires celtiques / Est. 1984
African and Madagascan College for Lay Scouts
Association of Round Tables in the Indian Ocean / Est. 1985
International Committee of Sky Scouts
Grande loge nordique
Federation of International American Clubs
Nordic Rotary International
Bureau de recherche et coopération inter-Etats africains des scoutismes catholiques, Brazzaville
Comité africain du scoutisme
European Football Scouting
Salvation Army Guides and Guards, Brownies and Sunbeams / London, UK
West African Round Table Association

View all profiles (124 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Friendship Groups

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Attenuation of group relationships

Action Strategies relating to Friendship Groups

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Adopting legislation to guide sustainable land development
Having a guru
Preparing guides for environment training
Preparing best practice guides for waste recycling
Holding scout camps
Preparing guides on training programmes, resource materials, methods and results
Appreciating other social groups
Creating imaginal directive guides
Serving existing social groups
Furnishing vacant property guides
Enabling decision-making process to guide politics
Organizing structured social groups
Giving recognition to other social units
Rejecting social groups
Restricting social groups
Building social cohesion
Distorting exclusiveness of social groups
Equalizing social groups
Helping former scouts
Using guide dogs

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