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Social Activity → Voluntary

Organizations relating to Voluntary

European Alliance for Volunteering / Est. 2013
Association of Voluntary Service Organisations / Est. 1989
Network for Voluntary Development in Asia / Kowloon, Hong Kong / Est. 1997
Global Aid Foundation / Est. 1993
European Network on Volunteer Development / London, UK
Exit International / Darwin NT, Australia / Est. 1997
Foundation for International Voluntary Service / Utrecht, Netherlands
Peaceworkers USA / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 1948
Jewish Volunteer Corps of American Jewish World Service / New York NY, USA
Heart to Heart International / Lenexa KS, USA / Est. 1992
Volunteers for Inter-American Development Assistance / Emeryville CA, USA / Est. 1991
Volunteer International Christian Service / Edmonton AB, Canada / Est. 1971
National Council for Voluntary Organizations / London, UK / Est. 1919
Claretian Volunteers and Lay Missionaries / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 1983
Volunteers for Peace / Burlington VT, USA / Est. 1982
Voluntary Service International / Dublin, Ireland / Est. 1965
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association / San Jose CA, USA
Centre de volontariat international / Udine, Italy / Est. 1984
Allavida / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2001
International Volunteer Expeditions / Est. 1994
Volunteering Matters / London, UK / Est. 1962
Centro Volontari Cooperazione allo Sviluppo / Gorizia, Italy / Est. 1980
Civitan International / Birmingham AL, USA / Est. 1917
Africa Liaison Program Initiative / Washington DC, USA
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission / Birmingham AL, USA / Est. 1972
Global Routes / Northampton MA, USA
Global Volunteers / St Paul MN, USA / Est. 1984
Unione Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo e La Pace / Bastia Umbra, Italy / Est. 1987
Korea International Volunteer Organization / Ulsan, Korea Rep / Est. 1989
ECTI - Professionnels Seniors Bénévoles / Paris, France / Est. 1974
Studio Globo / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1964
Volontariat et coopération internationale - Volontaires de l'enseignement / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1965
Commission on Voluntary Service and Action / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 1945
Wellshare International / Minneapolis MN, USA
Coordinating Committee of the Organization for Voluntary Service / Milan, Italy / Est. 1972
Jesuit Volunteers International / Washington DC, USA
Stichting Gered Gereedschap / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1982
Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development / Delhi, India / Est. 1958
HealthLink360 / Carberry, UK / Est. 1983
Fondazione Italiana per il Volontariato / Rome, Italy / Est. 1991
INEX - Association of Voluntary Activities / Prague, Czechia / Est. 1990
Sertoma International / Kansas City MO, USA / Est. 1912
Amizade / Pittsburgh PA, USA / Est. 1994
Lay Volunteers International Association / Cuneo, Italy / Est. 1966
Organizzazione Europea Vigili del Fuoco Volontari di Protezione Civile / Rome, Italy
Servizio Volontario Internazionale / Est. 1963
Controinformazione Terzo Mondo - Servizio Internazionale Volontario / Lecce, Italy / Est. 1985
Terra Nuova / Rome, Italy / Est. 1972
Celim Bergamo - Organizzazione di Volontariato Internazionale Cristiano / Bergamo, Italy / Est. 1964
Financial Services Volunteer Corps / New York NY, USA / Est. 1990

View all profiles (308 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Voluntary

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Lack of payment for housework
Trade restrictions due to voluntary export restraints
Cultural suicide
Dependence on unpaid female labour
Voluntary physical suffering

Action Strategies relating to Voluntary

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Promoting voluntary surgical contraception
Fostering linkages between family planning and social welfare
Living simply
Promoting voluntary human extinction
Researching social action
Strengthening volunteer governance
Including unpaid productive work in satellite national accounts
Valuing volunteer services
Facilitating international volunteer action
Encouraging voluntary initiatives for cleaner production
Exploring schemes for voluntary contributions to sustainable development
Financing voluntary sector
Confiscating firearms
Imposing voluntary system of cryptography
Developing government/industry voluntary agreements to control transboundary air pollution
Implementing voluntary environmental programmes by industry
Facilitating return to developing countries of qualified experts
Integrating value of women's unpaid work in resource accounting systems
Increasing voluntary contributions to sustainable development through NGO channels
Using voluntary instruments
Being a religious volunteer
Focusing volunteer work efforts
Organizing essential volunteer groups
Training volunteer fire department

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