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Society → Marriage


Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a culturally and often legally recognised union between people called spouses. It establishes rights and obligations between them, as well as between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. It is nearly a cultural universal, but the definition of marriage varies between cultures and religions, and over time. Typically, it is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually sexual, are acknowledged or sanctioned. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or considered to be compulsory before pursuing sexual activity. A marriage ceremony is called a wedding, while a private marriage is sometimes called an elopement.

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Organizations relating to Marriage

European Federation of Catholic Married Priests / Nivelles, Belgium
European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce / Est. 2002
Organization of Spouses of the European Commission / Est. 1997
Widows Rights International / Est. 1996
Global Action on Widowhood / Cambridge MA, USA / Est. 2010
Global Fund for Widows / New York NY, USA / Est. 2008
European Union of Soldiers' Wives / Est. 1994
Organisation des veuves en Afrique / Bujumbura, Burundi
International Ministers' Wives and Widows Association / Macon GA, USA / Est. 1941
Imago Relationships International / New York NY, USA
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Third Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of June 12 1902, Relating to the Settlement of the Conflicts of Laws and Jurisdictions as Regards Divorce and Separation / Est. 1923
Convention on the Voluntary Recognition of Children Born out of Wedlock / Est. 1980
Convention of 6 Feb 1931 Containing Certain Provisions of Private International Law Regarding Marriage, Adoption and Guardianship / Est. 1953
Convention Relating to the Settlement of the Conflict of Laws Concerning Marriage / Est. 1902
Convention Concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old-age and Widows' and Orphans' Insurance / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1936
Convention Relating to the Settlement of the Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictions as Regards to Divorce and Separation / Est. 1902
Convention Containing Certain Provisions of Private International Law Regarding Marriage, Adoption and Guardianship / Est. 1931
Convention on Legitimation by Marriage / Est. 1970
Convention Concerning the Issuance of a Certificate of Matrimonial Capacity / Est. 1980
Convention to Facilitate the Celebration of Marriages Abroad / Est. 1964
Convention on the Recognition of Decisions Relating to the Marriage Bond / Est. 1967
Convention on the Nationality of Married Women / Est. 1957
Convention on the Law Applicable to Matrimonial Property Regimes / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1978
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Fourth Conference on Private International Law, to the Convention of July 17 1905, Relating to the Conflicts of Laws with Regard to the Effects of Marriage / Est. 1923
Convention Relating to Conflicts of Laws with Regard to the Effects of Marriage on the Rights and Duties of the Spouses in Their Personal Relationship and with Regard to Their Estates / Est. 1905
Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages / Est. 1962
Convention Concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1933
Protocol Concerning the Adhesion of States Not Represented at the Third Conference on Private International Law to the Convention of June 12 1902, Relating to the Settlement of the Conflict of Laws Concerning Marriage / Est. 1923
Convention Concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1933
Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1978
Konvention innehållande internationellt privaträttslig bestämmelser om äktenskap, adoption och förmynderskap / Est. 1931
Worldwide Marriage Encounter / San Bernardino CA, USA / Est. 1952
Association of Wives of African Missions
Association of American Wives of Europeans / Paris, France / Est. 1961
Association des couples multi-ethniques de France / Paris, France / Est. 1982
Commission internationale d'orientation matrimoniale
Judean Society / Mountain View CA, USA
Association internationale des épouses trahies
Ki-Wives International / Est. 1945
Zambia International Federation of Widowhood Associations / Mbeya, Tanzania UR
Réunions nordiques des veuves de clergymen
Police Chiefs Spouses Worldwide / Essex Junction VT, USA / Est. 1985
Organización Mundial de los Solterones
Célibataires anonymes international / Brussels, Belgium
Non Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies Congress / Est. 2015
Federation of Asia Pacific Bridal Associations
European Union Foreign Affairs Spouses' Associations
European Convention on the Legal Status of Children Born out of Wedlock / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1975
International Federation of Marriage Preparation Centres / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1978
European Institute for the Best Interests of the Child / Edegem, Belgium / Est. 1992

View all profiles (72 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Marriage

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Subjugation of woman to man in marriage
Social pressure for marriage
Discrimination against unmarried mothers
Illegitimate children
Same-sex marriage
Sex scandals
Discrimination against women in parental rights
Forced marriage
Wife abuse
Segregation in marriage
Discrimination against men in parental rights
Trafficking in women
Dependency of women in marriage
Mixed race marriage
Insecurity of Western marriages
Shortage of marriageable men
Discrimination against unmarried women
Dependence on unpaid female labour
Discrimination against illegitimate children
Confusion over sex roles

Action Strategies relating to Marriage

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Campaigning to raise legal age of marriage
Protecting acquired legal rights of women
Promoting adolescent reproductive health awareness
Improving access to contraceptives for unmarried people
Resisting domestic violence
Employing domestic violence
Caring for widows
Recognizing same-sex marriages
Establishing a minimum age for marriage
Legally controlling production of children per couple
Preventing couples likely to pass on serious genetic deficiencies having children
Testing couple compatibility before marriage
Training married couples in responsible procreation
Mediating divorces
Providing religious training for marriage
Fostering vocation of married love
Strengthening marital relationships
Defending conjugal morals
Promoting chaste living for youth
Living conjugal chastity
Choosing a marriage partner

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