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Organizations relating to Insects

International Society of Phthirapterists / Salt Lake City UT, USA
Asociación Europea de Coleopterologia / Santiago de Compostela, Spain / Est. 1987
Worldwide Dragonfly Association / Est. 1997
European Association for Bee Research / Bremen, Germany / Est. 2002
International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1949
International Patient Information Board on Tick-Borne Encephalitis / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2006
Entomological Society of Southern Africa / Hatfield, South Africa / Est. 1937
International Odonata Research Institute / Gainesville FL, USA / Est. 1986
International Entomology Association / Est. 1884
Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterologia / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1972
International Isoptera Society / Ithaca NY, USA
International Network of Odonatological Information / Kidderminster, UK / Est. 1997
Lepidopterists' Society / Edmonton AB, Canada / Est. 1947
International Butterfly Breeders Association / St Petersburg FL, USA / Est. 1998
Lepidoptera Research Foundation / Beverly Hills CA, USA / Est. 1962
International Federation of Butterfly Enthusiasts
International Bee Services / Gistel, Belgium
Grasshopper International / Turnhout, Belgium
FAO World Acaricide Resistance Reference Centre
International Pinguicula Study Group / Martock, UK
Coleopterists Society / Lincoln NE, USA
Bureau permanent interafricain de la tsé-tsé et de la trypanosomiase / Est. 1949
Major Systematic Entomology Facilities Group / Est. 1991
Beenet Asia / Serdang, Malaysia
Young Entomologists' Society / Lansing MI, USA / Est. 1965
International Institute of Entomology / Est. 1909
Butterfly Lovers International / Est. 1975
Association for Applied Acridology International / Laramie WY, USA
African Trypanotolerant Livestock Network
International Silkworm Commission
International Society for Wild Silkmoths / Est. 1988
Global Lyme Alliance / Stamford CT, USA
International Tenebrionoidea Symposium / Est. 2002
International Symposium on Trichoptera / Est. 1974
International Seminar on Apterygota / Est. 1978
International Colloquium on Apterygota
Pan-African Mosquito Control Association / Est. 2009
Nordic-Baltic Bee Council
Société d'entomologie africaine / Chênée, Belgium / Est. 1994
Fireflyers International Network / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Est. 2007
African Association of Insect Scientists / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1978
Societas Internationalis Odonatologica / Wolnzach, Germany
International Society of Hymenopterists / Est. 1982
Nordic Cooperation Group for Forest Entomology / Helsinki, Finland / Est. 1955
Centre régional de recherche entomologique / Est. 1971
Prevention of Honey Bee COlony LOSSes / Bern, Switzerland
Societas Internationalis Entomofaunistica Europae Centralis / Dresden, Germany
Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology / Ås, Norway / Est. 1923
European Mosquito Control Association / Thessaloniki, Greece / Est. 2000
International Heteropterists' Society / Las Cruces NM, USA / Est. 1997

View all profiles (83 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Insects

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Fly-infested rivers and streams
Threatened species of Gomphus [1]
Threatened species of Ophiogomphus howei
Threatened species of Scirtidae
Locust plagues
Non-compliance of computer equipment to Year 2000 transition
Lyme disease
Infestation by body lice
Orthoptera as insect pests
Culicine mosquitoes as vectors of disease
Termites as pests
Defoliating insects
Infestation by pubic lice
Insect vectors of human disease
Insect pests
Blowflies as pests
Insect pests of wood
Aphids as pests
African trypanosomiasis
Kissing bugs as vectors of disease
Tsetse flies as pests
Scrub typhus
Spotted fevers

Action Strategies relating to Insects

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Controlling locusts
Conserving butterflies
Researching insects
Controlling tsetse fly
Establishing no-fly zone
Conserving Northern Australian and Trans-Fly savanna ecoregion
Spraying mosquito breeding places
Killing crop eating insects
Eliminating insect breeding places
Studying insect pests
Destroying insect pests
Destroying insect pests of plants
Destroying introduced species of insect pests
Undermining insect resistance to insecticides
Avoiding insect damage
Predicting insect invasions
Controlling insect invasions
Studying insect vectors of disease
Studying diseases of beneficial insects
Studying insect vectors of plant diseases
Studying insect vectors of animal diseases
Protecting insects
Conserving endangered species of insects
Repelling injurious insects
Protecting against disastrous insect invasions

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