Biosciences → Biotechnology
Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary field that involves the integration of natural sciences and engineering sciences in order to achieve the application of organisms and parts thereof for products and services. Specialists in the field are known as biotechnologists.
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Organizations relating to Biotechnology
International Society on Biotelemetry / Est. 1973
International Society for Environmental Biotechnology / Xalapa, Mexico / Est. 1993
European Society of Microalgal Biotechnology / Mosonmagyaróvar, Hungary / Est. 1992
Sociedad Iberoamericana para el Desarrollo de las Biorrefinarias / Lisbon, Portugal
AfricaBio / Pretoria, South Africa / Est. 1999
Asia Reproductive Biotechnology Society / Est. 2004
SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Public Health, Hospital Administration, Environmental and Occupational Health / Manila, Philippines
International Doctors - ILDAV / Milan, Italy / Est. 1987
UNESCO Regional Network for Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology in Southeast Asia / Pathum Thani, Thailand / Est. 1974
Biofeedback Foundation of Europe / London, UK / Est. 1997
African Network of Research on Storage Insects / Lomé, Togo / Est. 1993
Inter-Islamic Network on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1987
International Network for Humane Education / Leicester, UK / Est. 1988
Society for Laboratory Animal Science / Freiburg, Germany / Est. 1964
European Coalition to End Animal Experiments / Chessenaz, France / Est. 1990
Regional Centre for Biotechnology Training and Education, India / Gurugram, India / Est. 2005
AAALAC International / Frederick MD, USA / Est. 1965
Baltic Laboratory Animal Science Association / Vilnius, Lithuania / Est. 1990
Centro Internazionale Crocevia / Rome, Italy / Est. 1958
Société Internationale de Radiobiologie de Langue Française / Est. 2003
International Antivivisection League / Est. 1922
European Biofeedback Association / Rome, Italy
International Bureau of Antivivisection Federations and Societies and for the Protection of Animals / Est. 1925
International Union Against Vivisection / Est. 1902
International Radiobiological Society / Est. 1934
Global Agricultural Biotechnology Association / Est. 1994
Federación Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de Empresas Biotecnológia / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1990
UNU Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean / Caracas, Venezuela / Est. 1988
Fundación REDBIO Internacional / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1998
bioDevelopments International Institute / Ithaca NY, USA
AgBioWorld Foundation / Tuskegee AL, USA / Est. 2000
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
International Centre of Medicine Biotechnology, Moscow
INCLEN Africa / Ismailia, Egypt
International Biotechnology Forum / Brussels, Belgium
International Institute of Biotechnology / Est. 1983
Contribution des biotechnologies à l'amélioration des cultures et des produits du manioc pour l'Afrique / Cali, Colombia
European Centre for the Education, Training and Research in the Health Sciences and Biotechnologies, Milan / Milan, Italy
European Biotechnology Coordination Group
African Agency for Biotechnology
China-EC Biotechnology Centre, Beijing / Brussels, Belgium
Technical Cooperation Network on Agricultural Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean / Santiago, Chile / Est. 1990
Association of Biotechnology Companies
International Biometric Association / Est. 1986
Latin American Biotechnology Network / Mexico City, Mexico
Mitteleuropäische Gesellschaft für Alternativmethoden zu Tierversuchen / Linz, Austria
International Centre for Biotechnology, Osaka University / Osaka, Japan
European Initiative for Biotechnology Education / Est. 1991
European Centre for the Advancement of Biometrics, Denmark
Centre européen de biotechnologie algale / Bende, Belgium
View all profiles (161 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Biotechnology
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialCruel treatment of animals for research
Intrusive animal-rights campaigners
Compulsory use of biometrics
Hazards of biotechnology
Action Strategies relating to Biotechnology
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialIncreasing institutional capability of developing countries on biotechnology safety
Improving capability for environmentally sound use of biotechnology in developing countries
Assessing biotechnologies for improving yields for aquatic species
Developing guidelines on safety procedures for biotechnology
Exchanging information on safe handling and risk management for biotechnology
Giving priority to training in traditional biotechnologies
Accelerating transfer of biotechnology to increase food security in developing countries
Strengthening research on biotechnology and environmental protection
Increasing developing countries' ability to participate in biotechnology production
Developing safety procedures for the transfer and use of biotechnology
Establishing quality standards for biotechnology applications
Strengthening capabilities for biotechnology research and application
Strengthening institutional capacity to benefit from biotechnology developments
Assessing existing biotechnology programmes and priority needs of developing countries
Facilitating access to biotechnology information
Increasing international cooperation on research on biotechnology
Improving international cooperation on the transfer of biotechnology
Increasing access to new biotechnology within developing countries
Providing immediate international assistance in emergency situations involving biotechnology
Using biotechnology to improve diagnostics
Cooperating internationally on biotechnology safety
Expanding use of biotechnology to conserve biological diversity
Applying ethical considerations during biotechnology transfer
Assessing existing biotechnology programmes
Expanding use of biotechnology for environmental conservation
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