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UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 15: Life on Land


Soil, also commonly referred to as earth or dirt, is a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organisms that together support the life of plants and soil organisms. Some scientific definitions distinguish dirt from soil by restricting the former term specifically to displaced soil.

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Organizations relating to Soil

Europäische Föderation für Ingenieurbiologie / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1995
Africa Soil Science Society / Yaoundé, Cameroon / Est. 1986
Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies / Est. 2012
Energy Peat Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2016
ISRIC - World Soil Information / Wageningen, Netherlands / Est. 1966
International Sol-Gel Society / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 2003
International Erosion Control Association / Aurora CO, USA / Est. 1972
Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative / Fort Collins CO, USA / Est. 2011
Soil Association / Bristol, UK / Est. 1946
Asian Centre for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics / Pathum Thani, Thailand
Nordic Society for Clay Research / Est. 2014
Inter-African Pedological Service / Est. 1953
Pan American Soil Conservation Commission / Est. 1940
European Clay Producers' Federation
European Kaolin and Plastic Clay Association / Est. 1997
Soil Science Society of East Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1975
Central Office of the International Pedological Congresses / Est. 1909
European Peat and Growing Media Association
Asian Soils and Environment Research Information Center / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1997
Southeast Asian Laboratories Network / Est. 1999
Asian Dust Network / Ibaraki, Japan / Est. 2001
International Symposium on Soil Biology / Budapest, Hungary
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
Protocole de L'application de la Convention Alpine de 1991 dans le Domaine de la Protection des Sols / Est. 1998
Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof / Est. 1971
CoverCropNet / Ibadan, Nigeria
Clay Pipe Collectors Circle International / Amsterdam, Netherlands
Faculté internationale de pédologie
Inter-African Committee of Experts and Consultants on Soils / Est. 1978
International Centre for Soil Conservation Information / Est. 1983
Réseau Erosion et GCES / Est. 1983
Soil Fertility Network
Asian Network on Problem Soils / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1989
European Association of Soil Fumigators / Brussels, Belgium
International Network on Soil Data / Est. 1976
International Institute for Soil Fertility Management / Est. 1987
Comité européen d'études de zoologie agricole / Est. 1956
European Topic Centre on Soils / Est. 1996
International Network on Soil Fertility and Sustainable Rice Farming / Est. 1976
SAARC Centre for Amelioration of Problem Soils / Kathmandu, Nepal
African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility / Est. 1988
Association internationale de pédologie
Soil Fertility Initiative for Africa / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1995
Islamic Institute of Soil Science
International Center for Soil and Society / Est. 1997
Inter-African Bureau for Soils / Est. 1948
African Consultants on Soil Sciences / Lagos, Nigeria
Réseau africain pour la gestion biologique de la fertilité des sols
Joint Commission on the History of Soil Science / Est. 1997

View all profiles (122 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Action Strategies relating to Soil

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Improving soil management
Decomposing organic materials
Converting sewage waste into compost
Integrating sources of plant nutrients to sustain soil fertility
Using stress-tolerant plant materials for rehabilitating land
Fertilizing soils
Using appropriate soil additives
Mapping soils
Mapping soil deficiency
Developing soil tillage
Encouraging soil conservation
Testing soil
Collecting soil
Developing geographically referenced soils
Reporting negligence by pedologists
Applying nitrogen to soil
Growing compost crops
Studying effects of poor soil management
Coping with soil deficiency
Ensuring competent soil inspectors
Neglecting research in pedology
Studying soil-transmitted diseases
Destroying alluvial forests
Protecting alluvial forests
Researching soil infertility

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