Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Gender Equality

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. There has been progress over the last decades, but the world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030.

Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. But gender inequality persists everywhere and stagnates social progress.
On average, women in the labor market still earn 23 percent less than men globally and women spend about three times as many hours in unpaid domestic and care work as men.

Sexual violence and exploitation, the unequal division of unpaid care and domestic work, and discrimination in public office, all remain huge barriers. All these areas of inequality have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic: there has been a surge in reports of sexual violence, women have taken on more care work due to school closures, and 70% of health and social workers globally are women.

At the current rate, it will take an estimated 300 years to end child marriage, 286 years to close gaps in legal protection and remove discriminatory laws, 140 years for women to be represented equally in positions of power and leadership in the workplace, and 47 years to achieve equal representation in national parliaments.

Political leadership, investments and comprehensive policy reforms are needed to dismantle systemic barriers to achieving Goal 5 Gender equality is a cross-cutting objective and must be a key focus of national policies, budgets and institutions.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Vision Aid Overseas

VAO 1985 Crawley UK G

Vision GRAM-International

1996 Ottawa ON Canada G

Vital Voices Global Partnership

VVGP 2001 Washington DC USA G

VIVAT International

2000 New York NY USA E

Voice and Speech Trainers Association

VASTA 1986 Kingston WA USA G v

Voices Without Frontiers

VWF 1996 Montréal QC Canada E

Volontariato Internazionale Donna Educazione Sviluppo

VIDES 1987 Rome Italy F

Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo

VIS 1986 Rome Italy G

Voluntary Service Overseas

VSO 1958 Kingston upon Thames UK G

Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity International

VOSH/International 1972 Omaha NE USA G

Walk Free Foundation

WFF Nedlands WA Australia G f

Walk21 Foundation

Walk21 2000 Cheltenham UK F f


1989 Lomé Togo E

War Child

1993 Amsterdam Netherlands F

War on Want

1952 London UK G f

WASH United

2010 Berlin Germany G

Washington Office on Latin America

WOLA 1974 Washington DC USA G

Wassu-UAB Foundation

1987 Bellaterra Spain G f

Waste Free Waters

2011 Klimmen Netherlands G

Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict

Watchlist 2001 New York NY USA G

Water Europe

WE 2004 Brussels Belgium E y


1981 London UK F

WATU Acción Indigena

1993 Madrid Spain N


Brussels Belgium N

WE Charity

1995 Toronto ON Canada F

We Effect

1968 Stockholm Sweden G

We Move Europe

WeMove.EU Berlin Germany F

Weavers Committee

1989 Suva Fiji E y

WEC International

WEC 1913 Coventry UK F v

WEConnect International

Washington DC USA G


2008 Brussels Belgium F


WFD 1959 Berlin Germany G

WePROTECT Global Alliance

2012 Lisse Netherlands B

West Africa Centre for Peace Foundation

WACPF 2008 Accra Ghana G f

West Africa Network for Peacebuilding

WANEP 1998 Accra Ghana F y

West African Human Rights Defenders' Network

WAHRDN 2005 Lomé Togo D

West African Women's Association

WAWA 1984 Dakar Senegal E

West and Central Africa Human Rights Training Institute

WACAHRI 2004 E j


Brussels Belgium D

Whirly-Girls - International Women Helicopter Pilots

1955 Pinehurst NC USA N v

WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities

GNAFCC 2010 Geneva Switzerland F y


1985 Brussels Belgium F y

Widows Rights International

WRI 1996 G

Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation

WISE 2006 Hull UK N j

Wildlife Conservation Society

WCS 1895 New York NY USA G

Wildlife Justice Commission

WJC 2015 The Hague Netherlands C

Winrock International

1985 Little Rock AR USA G


1992 Brooklyn NY USA G

Woman and Earth Global Eco-Network

1979 New York NY USA G v

Woman's Missionary Union

WMU 1888 Birmingham AL USA G
