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17th of April 2019
Korea will introduce two new MICE communication messages to boost Korea’s MICE industry - 'Stay Connected for Your Success' and 'Light Up Your Passion'. These new MICE communication messages are anticipated to help target audiences better understand the Korean MICE industry and its slogan - ‘Korea, Beyond Meetings’. 
8th of April 2019
"BioS: Digital Skills on Computational Biology" project approved in the European Framework of Erasmus+ / Sector Skills Alliances Programme. BioS aims at advancing the digital skills of medical doctors through the design, development and delivery of new modular vocational curricula on Computational Biology & Bioinformatics. The purpose is to provide medical doctors with knowledge, skills and competencies, which will
8th of April 2019

International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) is proud to host its 62nd annual Conference on Great Lakes Research.

IAGLR 2019 offers engaging speakers, ample opportunities for networking, and 4 days of science. The schedule features almost 600 presentations (both oral and poster). Several workshops and discussions offer the opportunity for a deeper dive into certain topics. 

26th of March 2019
Under the theme "World in EMotion", this year's OECD Forum will explore ways to transform increasing expressions of
uncertainty and unpredictability into collective commitment for positive action.

The Forum will take place on 20-21 May in Paris.

21st of February 2019

Twenty-Fourth International Symposium on Shiftwork & Working Time

19th of February 2019
The Federation of European and International Associations established in Belgium (FAIB) will be holding its Annual General Assembly on Thursday 21 March 2019 at the International Association Centre (MAI) in Brussels.
13th of February 2019
IBBS18 will be held from 6th to 8th September, 2020, at the Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, USA, Contact IBBS secretary ( to receive updates.
11th of February 2019
The 28th World Business Congress of the International Management Development association (IMDA) devoted to Creating Competitive Business Strategies for the New Global Arena: Impact of the Market Environment will be held between June 12th through 16th, 2019 in North Nicosia, North Cyprus in cooperation with Cyprus Social Sciences University, Nicosia, North Cyprus.
6th of February 2019
International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) is pleased to announce a Global Education Initiative to support the study of civil society law at universities and schools of law in eligible developing countries worldwide. The 2019 Global Education Initiative will provide grants to support the integration of civil society law courses into the curricula of universities and educational institutions.
6th of February 2019
Building bridges for solidarity and public health

Marseille Chanot, Palais des Congrès et des Expositions

Marseille, France

20- 23 November 2019


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