Thursday, 3 September 2020 at the MAI.
Details and background documents will be provided nearer the time.
News from sources other than the UIA. International organizations listed in the Yearbook of International Organizations, and UIA's members may add their own public news items.
Note: The UIA reserves the right to remove any posts it deems inappropriate for this list, for example commercial ads.
Deadline: 1 June 2020
NGOs interested in applying for ECOSOC consultative status should submit their application and required documents on or before the deadline 1 June 2020.
The following link provides background information, the benefits and instructions how to apply:
EAHL is happy to announce that the venue for the next conference in 2021 will be Ghent, Belgium.
The World Autism Organisation (WAO), a purely voluntary, charitable, Not for Profit organisation, was founded in 1998 by parents of autistic people. The main objective of the WAO is to encourage and foster the development of services appropriate to the needs of people with autism throughout the world. These needs are the same across the globe, but sadly there are still great differences in understanding and resources from one country to another. Our