UIA’s qualifications for its Diversitas proposal
Apolitical clearing house and respected custodian of civil society information, headquartered in Brussels for over 90 years.
Authoritative registry of non-profits (explicitly endorsed by UN/ECOSOC Resolution 334B (XI), 20 July 1950).
Statutory commitment to entire international non-profit community, across the digital, linguistic and other divides and facilitating transition across those divides, notably in developing countries.
Provider of practical long-term services attentive to real needs of world-wide, multilingual constituency in all its diversity, shapes and sizes.
Eligible for $5 million endowment, partly to be used to “kick-start” .org community-building and for micro and macro funding of “good works” in the .org constituency.
Proven technical solution for TLD management with minimal transition issues (VeriSign as backend subcontractor until 2005 with highly competitive re-compete).
Operation through Diversitas, a European social purpose, non-profit company with international multi-stakeholder ownership.
Techno-centric innovator with decades of experience with reconciling registry management with responsiveness to the registrant, minimizing exposure to unwelcome communications.
Maintains “thick” global registries on organisations, their meetings, executives, concerns, strategies, values, etc, emphasizing their inter-relationships to facilitate networking and community building.
20-year partnership with leading private-sector publisher of international reference information.
Technical capacity to adapt core services to interface with third party applications.
Strategic emphasis on enabling services of other parties, especially non-profits.
Provides contextual visibility to organizations and their concerns, as a basis for validation.
Impartiality in treatment of data from every field of human activity and under a variety of pressures (commercial, political, legal, moral).
Custodial oversight provided by 150 eminent global personalities (UIA Members) from the international community.
Co-creation of .org as the natural home of the non-commercial world on the internet and as a strategic space for non-profits, including new second-level domains for sub-components of .org.
Commitment to fair and competitive prices and enhanced services responsive to specific segments of the non-profit world.
Active collaboration with other gTLDs and ccTLDs who serve the non-commercial constituency.