International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Forum 18

Oslo Norway F AA1911

Forum Asia Democracy

FAD 2001 F XM1152

Forum des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche, l'Education et la Formation

FREREF Vénissieux France F f XF5391

Forum for African Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

1992 F v XF4308

Forum for African Women Educationalists

FAWE 1992 Nairobi Kenya F XF2578

Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa

FARA 2001 Accra Ghana F XF4296

Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation

FEALAC 1999 Seoul Korea Rep F g XF6279

Forum for European e-Public Services

e-Forum 2002 F XF6655

Forum for European Journalism Students

FEJS 1985 Maastricht Netherlands F XF4899

Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government

Africa Forum 2006 Pretoria South Africa F v XM5961

Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration

FICA 1996 Oxford UK F XM3370

Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law

FICHL Florence Italy F XJ9754

Forum for Mobility and Society

FMS 2000 Brussels Belgium F y XF6371

Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia

FNCA 1999 Tokyo Japan F g XF6631

Forum for Telecom Operators of Small States

Teleforum 2000 F AA0429

Forum francophone des affaires

FFA 1987 Charenton France F XF3258

Forum international d'action catholique

FIAC 1991 Rome Italy F XF5740

Forum Mondial Heracles

HERACLES 2008 Besançon France F XM7906

Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities

FAIC 1999 Ancona Italy F XJ2079

Forum of African Parliamentarians for Education

FAPED 2001 Dakar Senegal F g XF6591

Forum of Arctic Research Operators

FARO 1998 Røskilde Denmark F XM2344

Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe

FAAE 1998 Bratislava Slovakia F XF6264

Forum of Asian Theological Librarians

ForATL 1991 Manila Philippines F v XF6247

Forum of AsianPacific Graphic Arts Technology

FAGAT Tokyo Japan F XJ4844

Forum of Bible Agencies International

1990 New York NY USA F y XG3560
