International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Third World Science Movement

Penang Malaysia U vx XF1045

Third World Studies Centre, Delhi

Delhi India U x XN6560

Third World Studies Centre, Sao Paulo

U d XG2113

Third World University

Mexico City Mexico U x XN0092

Third World Voice

Frederiksberg Denmark U x XG0906

Third World Women's Project

1981 Washington DC USA U x XN0006

Third World Working Group of Vicars

1976 Baden Austria U x XN1601

Thom Bierdz International Fan Club

1987 Los Angeles CA USA U x XN3400

Thought across All Frontiers

1981 U x XG4208

Thoupten Chedroup Ling

TCL Brussels Belgium U x XN4423

Three Bridges International

TBI U d XN6069

Three Quarter Ton International Association

U d XE2117

Through Carriage Conference

1874 U d XU3593

Thunderbird Alumni Association of Europe

1985 U x XN1760

Thunderbird School of Global Management

1946 Phoenix AZ USA U n XG4474

Ti-Mix Europe

1979 Bedford UK U x XN2539

Tibet Culture Centre International

U x XN7516

Tibetan Institute

1967 Rikon Switzerland U jx XN0682

Tibetan Society Europe

TSE Brussels Belgium U x XN1473

Tiers-monde santé solidarité

TMSS Montpellier France U x XN1483

Tiger Foundation

1994 U df XF4789

Tilapia Food Aid Organization

TFAO 1982 U d XF1250

Tile, Marble, Terrazzo, Finishers, Shop-Workers and Granite Cutters International Union

1877 Alexandria VA USA U n XG7656

Tilling Society

1982 Rye UK U x XN3577

Timber Research and Development Association

TRADA 1934 U d XG2449
