International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Trade Action Network

1986 U dt XF0656

Trade and Investment Council

1998 Lima Peru U gtx XD7438

Trade Electronic Data Interchange System

TEDIS 1987 U dgt XF1229

Trade Information Network for Islamic Countries

TINIC U dg XK0646

Trade Negotiations Group of Developing Countries of Asia and the Pacific

TNG 1971 U dgt XF0519

Trade Not Aid

Bussum Netherlands U tx XN6769

Trade Policy Research Centre

TPRC 1968 U dt XG1284

Trade Show Exhibitors Association

TSEA 1964 U dt XG4124

Trade Union Committee for the European Free Trade Area

EFTA-TUC 1968 U dt XU5430

Trade Union International Committee for Workers Travel and Leisure

U st XU7705

Trade Union International Medical - Time-Club

U tx XU1013

Trade Union International Research and Education Group

TUIREG 1976 Oxford UK U tx XG0191

Trade Union Regional Network

TURN 1990 U dt XF1451

Trade Unit of the Organization of American States

OAS Trade Unit 1995 U dgt XK2040

Trade Women of African Heritage

TUWAH 1969 New York NY USA U tx XG6931

Trade, Societies and Sustainable Development Network

SUSTRA Network U dty XF7050

Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic Understanding

TUCETU London UK U tx XN2184

Traditions - Musée international des présences religieuses

MIPR 1995 U x XN7426


1984 U d XK0719

Training and Education in Marine Science Programme


Training and Education in Medical Physics and Engineering Reformation in Europe


Training and Research Centre for the Performing Arts

MUDRA International 1970 U d XE1290

Training Centre for European Initiatives

U x XG0078

Training Centre on Environmental Matters for Small Local Authorities in the EEC Mediterranean Countries

1985 U d XE2730

Training Network for Accelerated Development of Food Industry in ASEAN

U tx XF3877
