International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Société pour le développement du transport aérien en Afrique

U x XU1560

Société protectrice des humains

SPH U x XU0749

Société psychique internationale

U d XU7229

Société roumaine indépendante pour les droits de l'homme

SIRDO U d XG4880

Société suisse des américanistes

1949 Geneva Switzerland U x XG1989

Society Against Guns in Europe

SAGE U ds XU6865

Society for a League of Religions

1919 U d XU7149

Society for a Nuclear Free Future

Berlin Germany U x XN4216

Society for a World Service Federation

SWSF 1964 U x XG1372

Society for Advancement of Buddhist Understanding

SABU City of Industry CA USA U x XG2482

Society for African Philosophy in North America

U x XN4522

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Sydney

Sydney NSW Australia U x XN2320

Society for Basic Irreproducible Research

1955 U d XD0202

Society for Biomolecular Sciences

SBS 1994 U d XN8777

Society for Conceptual and Contents Analysis by Computer

SCCAC 1983 U d XD2351

Society for Creativity

1976 Konstanz Germany U x XN0530

Society for Development and International Cooperation

Mountain Unlimited 1993 U d XG5820

Society for Effective Affective Learning

SEAL 1983 U dv XD5656

Society for European Understanding Across Language Boundaries

European Club Paderborn Germany U x XN5629

Society for History of Sciences

1965 U dv XF1883

Society for Iberian and Latin American Thought, Waco TX

1974 Waco TX USA U x XN1687

Society for Iberian and Latin American Thought, Washington

SILAT 1976 Washington DC USA U x XG2220

Society for Interests of Active Missionaries Abroad

SIAMA 1970 Leiden Netherlands U x XN0809

Society for International Education, Science and Culture

SIESC Taipei Taiwan U x XG6818

Society for International Folk Dancing

SIFD Hope Valley UK U x XN0294
