International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID


U d XF5085

Padania in Europe

U x XN8028

Paediatric Assembly of the European Respiratory Society

U d XK0858

Pagans for Peace Network

1983 Clearbrook BC Canada U x XG4280


Châtillon France U x XN5525

Pair inter languages

1987 Bourg-la-Reine France U x XN1373

Pakistan Arab Club Cultural Association

Karachi Pakistan U x XN3537

Pakistan Association for Peace Research

Karachi Pakistan U x XN5589

Pakistan Muslim Cultural Centre

PMCC Brussels Belgium U x XN4121

Palestine Human Rights Campaign

PHRC 1977 U x XG6031

Pali Buddhist Union

PBU 1970 U d XU4722

Pamoja Third World and Environment Centre

U x XG2184

Pan Africa House

Johannesburg South Africa U x XN5920

Pan African Agency for Research and Consultation

PARC 1992 Dakar Senegal U x XF2790

Pan African Bank

Port Harcourt Nigeria U s XU0489

Pan African Centre for Research on Peace and Conflict Resolution

PACREP 1986 Enugu Nigeria U x XE0694

Pan African Centre for Terminology

U x XU1337

Pan African College of Radiographers

PACOR 1983 U d XF0035

Pan African Consultancy and Productivity Institute

PANCOP 1991 Mbabane Eswatini U jx XN8259

Pan African Cooperative Alliance

1962 U d XU1220

Pan African Cooperative Centre, Cotonou

1968 U d XE4820

Pan African Development Forum

1991 U x XG4430

Pan African Development Information System

PADIS 1980 U dg XF4723

Pan African Enterprise Network

AEN 2000 U d XJ2807

Pan African Episcopal Committee for Social Communication

1972 U d XE5208
