International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Pan Pacific Institute, Adelaide

1991 Adelaide SA Australia U jx XN7734


1989 Paris France U x XG4753

Pan-Africa Bicycle Information Network

PABIN 2001 U d XN9782

Pan-African Alliance for Environment and Development

1991 U d XF2344

Pan-African Association

PAA 1897 U d AA4155

Pan-African Book Foundation

London UK U fx XN6297

Pan-African Chiropractic Association

U x XU2146

Pan-African Congress Movement

PACM London UK U x XG2310

Pan-African Data Bank on Economic and Social Development Information

U ps XU9788

Pan-African Foundation

PANAF 1992 U df XK0616

Pan-African Freedom Movement

U dp XU9367

Pan-African Institute of Innovation Management, Pointe-Noire

U jx XJ7227

Pan-African Inter-National Movement

U x XU2573

Pan-African Network of Election Experts


Pan-African Network on Human Resources in Education, Science and Culture, South Africa

U gx XJ7055

Pan-African Peace Council

Lagos Nigeria U x XG2317

Pan-African Resource Center, Washington

PARC 1980 Washington DC USA U x XN2511

Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party

PRSP 1983 Chicago IL USA U x XG2314

Pan-African Student Movement

PASM U x XU2212

Pan-African Student Union

PASU 1983 Detroit MI USA U x XG2359

Pan-African Students Medical Corps


Pan-Amazonian University, Manaos

1991 U x XU2383

Pan-American / Pan-African Association

PAPA 1967 U x XN0680

Pan-American Associations of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Broncho-Oesophagy

U d XD0389

Pan-American Cooperative

U x XN0471
