International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

European Network of Ombudspersons for Children

ENOC 1997 Strasbourg France F XF5064

European Network of Organizational and Work Psychologists

ENOP 1980 Maastricht Netherlands F v XF1456

European Network of Outdoor Sports

ENOS 2013 Brussels Belgium F y XM6609

European Network of Palm Scientists

EUNOPS 2001 Richmond UK F XJ9062

European Network of Podiatry in Higher Education


European Network of Policewomen

ENP 1989 Barcelona Spain F v XF2598

European Network of Policy Makers for the Evaluation of Education Systems

1995 Paris France F XM2354

European Network of Political Foundations

ENoP 2006 Brussels Belgium F AA2086

European network of Public Employment Services

PES network 2014 Brussels Belgium F g XM7787

European Network of Registers of Wills Association

ENRWA Brussels Belgium F XJ7214

European Network of Research Ethics Committees

EUREC 2005 Bonn Germany F XM6644

European Network of Research Integrity Offices

ENRIO 2008 Prague Czechia F XM6645

European Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations

ENSHPO 2001 Wigston UK F ty XM0154

European Network of School-Age Childcare

ENSAC 1987 Meeden Netherlands F XF6280

European Network of Science Centres and Museums

ECSITE 1988 Brussels Belgium F y XF1578

European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility

ENSSER 2009 Berlin Germany F XM6459

European Network of Sign Language Teachers

ENSLT 2018 Brussels Belgium F AA1624

European Network of Social Authorities

ENSA 1999 Brussels Belgium F g XJ4465

European Network of Social Integration Enterprises

ENSIE 2001 Brussels Belgium F XF6332

European Network of Sport Education

ENSE 1989 Vienna Austria F y XF5255

European Network of Steiner Waldorf Parents

ENSWaP 2007 F AA0737

European Network of Teratology Information Services

ENTIS 1990 Lausanne Switzerland F XF6983

European Network of Trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

ENTOG 1996 Brussels Belgium F XF5735

European Network of Transfusion Medicine Societies

EuroNet-TMS 2002 F XM2702

European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology

ENYSSP 2003 F XJ0897
