International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Psychologists for Peace

PfP U s XG4291

Psychologues sans frontières

U x XN7348

Psychosynthèse unicitaire

Durnal Belgium U vx XF5288

Psychosynthesis International

PSI 1984 Oceanside CA USA U x XN8848

Psychosynthesis Research Foundation

1957 U df XG3107

PTA Tribunal

U dg XK0209

Public Broadcasting for a Multicultural Europe

PBME 1992 U d XF2627

Public Broadcasting for a Multicultural Europe Society

Utrecht Netherlands U px XK0840

Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors

PIIPA 2002 U d XJ3575

Public Personnel Association

PPA 1906 U d XU1254

Public Relations Centre of the International Union of Railways

1969 U d XU3649

Public Research Organizations Transfer Offices Network - Europe

ProTon Europe 2003 U d XM0353

Public Service Satellite Consortium

PSSC Washington DC USA U x XN2504

Puebla Institute

1983 Washington DC USA U jsx XN6015

Puebla-Panama Plan

PPP Washington DC USA U gx XF7054

Pueblo Indio

Lima Peru U x XG5740

Puerto Morazan

Oberhausen Germany U x XG6433

Puerto Rican Coordinating Committee in Solidarity with the Peoples of Central America and the Caribbean

Bayamón Puerto Rico U x XG1019

Punjab Rights Organization - Benelux

Liège Belgium U x XG8714


1909 U d XU4999

QLF Atlantic Center for the Environment

1997 Ipswich MA USA U d XJ2982

Quaker Oats Europe Employee Benefit Fund

Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe Belgium U fx XN5560

Quaker United Nations Group

QUNG U cd XE0156

Quantico Group

U gx XF6487

Quarter Century Wireless Association

QCWA 1947 Eugene OR USA U x XN6192
