International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Programa Regional del Empleo para América Latina y el Caribe

PREALC 1968 U dg XF2590

Programa Universitario de Difusión de Estudios Latinoamericanos

PUDEL Mexico City Mexico U x XG6227

Programme d'appui à la mobilisation de l'épargne dans la francophonie

PAMEF U d XN8301

Programme de formation supérieure en management pour l'Europe de l'Est

1991 U px XG4669

Programme de relations politiques et de coopération Euro-Amérique latine

PREAL Santiago Chile U x XF1147

Programme de renforcement institutionnel de matière technologique en Afrique francophone

PRIMTAF 1990 U x XN0061

Programme des études françaises et de la francophonie dans le monde

PEFFM Montréal QC Canada U x XK1376

Programme européen de traduction automatique de conception avancée

EUROTRA 1982 U dg XF1023

Programme for Asian Cooperation in Energy and Development

PACE-E 1993 U dg XK0562

Programme for Central and Eastern European Development

PROCEED 1992 U dg XE1872

Programme for Development Research

PRODDER 1987 U d XN5896

Programme for Global Paediatric Research

PGPR 2004 Toronto ON Canada U d XJ4568

Programme for International Cooperation and Conflict Resolution

PICCR U d XK2177

Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation

PPNN 1987 U d XF4210

Programme for the Development of the Indigenous People of the Maya Region

Paris France U gx XK1467

Programme for the Environmentally Sound Management of Inland Water

EMINWA 1986 U dg XK0277

Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia

PTCA 1987 U d XF0812

Programme international de soutien à la maîtrise de l'énergie

PRISME 1990 U d XK0875

Programme International for Sustainable Management

PRISMA 1995 Berlin Germany U vx XG3432

Programme of Education for the Prevention of AIDS

1988 U dg XE3152

Programme of Research and Liaison between Universities for Development

1985 U x XE0175

Programme of Social Research into Problems relevant to Population Policies in Latin America

1973 U d XG2351

Programme on Credit for Income Generating Activities of the Poor in Asia and the Pacific

CIGAP 1993 U dg XK0883

Programme on the Promotion of Science and Technology Culture in Africa


Programme on Women's Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

PWESCR 2005 U d XJ5684
