International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Prospero - Network of Higher Educational Institutes for Performing Arts Training in Europe

1998 U d XF6044

Protect Life in All Nations

PLAN U d XF2210

Protected Area Network of Parks

PAN Parks 1997 U d XF6351

Protection of Animals Worldwide

PAW Wezembeek-Oppem Belgium U x XN9620

Protection of Sub-Marine Cables

U x XU2813

Protein Grain Products International

PGPI 1974 Washington DC USA U n XN1040

Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations System

PAG 1955 U dg XE0824


1983 U d XG1705

Protestant Alliance

1845 Flitwick UK U x XN6027

Protestant Association for Cooperation in Development

1962 U d XF1549

Protestant Churches' Secretariat for the Council of Europe

1979 U d XE0072

Protocol on biological diversity and establishment of specially protected areas

U dgp XJ0485

Prout Research Institute

1988 Santa Clara CA USA U jx XG3969

ProVention Consortium

2000 U d XF5883

Providers' European Network

PEN U d XF6745

Provisional Commission for Evangelical Unity

U x XU2993

Provisional United Europe Committee

1947 U d XU1280

ProWood Club

U d XF5554

Proyecto Local

1989 Barcelona Spain U x XN7849

Psalmody International

1983 Spit Junction NSW Australia U x XN9092

PSC Patients Europe

2014 U df XM7458

Psychiatric International Congress

U d XU0949

Psychic Science International Special Interest

PSISIG 1976 Huber Heights OH USA U x XG5422

Psychologists for Peace

PfP U s XG4291

Psychologues sans frontières

U x XN7348
