International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Pro-Esperanta Mormonaro

PEM 1980 Bogota Colombia U d XG1147

Pro-Health International

PHI 1991 Jos Nigeria U x XJ9658

Probe Ministries International

PMI 1973 Richardson TX USA U x XN1513

Procedural Aspects of International Law Institute

PAIL 1965 Washington DC USA U dj XF0028

Proclamation International

PI U x XG4386

Prodemca - Friends of the Democratic Center in the Americas

1981 Washington DC USA U x XN0623

Producer Association of Carbon Nanotubes in Europe

PACTE U d XJ5960

Productivity Analysis Research Network

PARN 1991 U dv XF5759

Productores de Cafés Asociados

PANCAFE 1980 U d XU5573

Professional Association for People Involved with Spirituality in the Workplace

Spirit at Work 1993 U dt XM0283

Professional Association of Traditional Healers

PATH Denver CO USA U tx XN8308

Professional Athletes International

PAI 1978 Washington DC USA U nt XU6154

Professional Chess Association

PCA 1977 Reno NV USA U x XN1809

Professional Committee of Cooperatives of Countries of the Common Market for Livestock and Meat

1960 U dt XE0301

Professional Golfers' Association - European Tour

Virginia Water UK U xt XN4389

Professional International Network Society

PINS 1994 Dawsonville GA USA U tx XN7327

Professions for Social Responsibility

PSR 1982 U d XG9135

Professors World Peace Academy in Europe

U d XK0727

Profits out of Poverty ?

London UK U x XN2959

Progetto Mondialità

PRO MOND 1980 Bari Italy U x XG2237

Program for Research and Documentation for a Sustainable Society

ProSus 1985 U d XN4801

Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology

PIACT 1976 U d XF8948

Program of International Peace and Security Research

1981 Ann Arbor MI USA U x XG9524

Program of Joint Studies on Latin American Economic Integration

1963 Rio de Janeiro Brazil U x XF0470

Program on Capacity Building in Science

PCBS 1993 U dy XE7795
