International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Non-aligned Countries Group on Monetary and Financial Cooperation

U dg XF1894

Non-aligned Countries Group on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy

New York NY USA U gx XF1958

Non-aligned Countries Group on Physical Education and Sport

U dg XF1944

Non-aligned Countries Group on Raw Materials

1974 U dg XF1951

Non-aligned Countries Group on Role of Women in Development

U dg XF1957

Non-aligned Countries Group on Scientific and Technological Development

U dg XF1895

Non-aligned Countries Group on Technical Cooperation and Consultancy Services

U dg XF1897

Non-aligned Countries Group on Telecommunications

U dg XF1909

Non-aligned Countries Group on Tourism

U dg XF1938

Non-aligned Countries Group on Trade, Transport, and Industry

APEC-TTI U dgt XF1893

Non-aligned Countries Group on Transnational Corporations and Private Foreign Investment

U dg XF1943

Non-aligned Countries Working Group for the Solidarity Fund for the Liberation of Southern Africa

New York NY USA U gx XF1865

Non-aligned Countries Working Group for the Solidarity Fund for the Reconstruction of Vietnam and Laos

U dg XF1849

Non-aligned Countries Working Group on Disarmament and International Security

New York NY USA U gx XF1843

Non-aligned Countries Working Group on Korea

U dg XF1840

Non-aligned Countries Working Group on Palestine and the Middle East

U dg XF1866

Non-aligned Countries Working Group on Southern Africa

U dg XF1853

Non-Aligned High-Level Working Group for the Restructuring of the United Nations

New York NY USA U gx XF1870

Non-Aligned Movement Committee of Ministers on Imposition of Sanctions

New York NY USA U x XK1154

Non-Aligned Movement International Centre on Transnational Companies, Havana

1973 Jakarta Indonesia U px XF5378

Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Committee on Methodology

1988 New York NY USA U gx XE0915

Non-Food Agro-Industrial Research Information Dissemination Network

NF-2000 Network U dt XF4885

Non-Political Movement for Evolution through Science

U d XU1379

Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights

1933 U x XU2802

Nongovernmental Development Organizations Coordination Group for Onchocerciasis Control

1992 U dy XE2633
