International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Association of International Energy Negotiators

AIEN 1981 Houston TX USA B v XN8596

Association of National Olympic Committees

ANOC 1979 Lausanne Switzerland B y XB3109

Association of Paralympic Sports Organisations

APSO 2017 B y AA1356

Association of Track and Field Statisticians

ATFS 1950 Huntley IL USA B XB0174

Association of World Election Bodies

A-WEB 2013 Incheon Korea Rep B XM5308

Badminton World Federation

BWF 1934 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia B y XB0135

Baptist World Alliance

BWA 1905 Falls Church VA USA B XB0186

BirdLife International

1922 Cambridge UK B XB1722

Building and Wood Workers' International

BWI 2005 Carouge Switzerland B XM1784

Bureau International des Expositions

BIE 1931 Paris France B g XB1819

Caritas Internationalis

CI 1950 Vatican City Vatican B y XB0216

Catholic Biblical Federation

CBF 1969 Vatican City Vatican B XB3954

Catholic International Education Office

1952 Rome Italy B y XB0220

CERA Global Association

CGA 2009 Oxford UK B AA0370

Childhood Cancer International

CCI 1994 Amsterdam Netherlands B XJ1215

Christian Life Community

CLC 1563 Rome Italy B XB3518

CHS Alliance

2015 Geneva Switzerland B y XM4452

Commission for the Geological Map of the World

CGMW 1881 Paris France B XB9351

Confédération internationale des sociétés d'auteurs et compositeurs

CISAC 1926 Neuilly-sur-Seine France B y XB1673

Confederation of Fire Protection Associations International

CFPA-I 1965 Cairo Egypt B XG2371

Conseil international du sport militaire

CISM 1948 Brussels Belgium B XB2262

Consumers International

CI 1960 London UK B y XB2321

Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service

CCIVS 1948 Paris France B y XC0424

Deafblind International

DbI 1960 Paris ON Canada B XD2223

Disabled Peoples' International

DPI 1981 St John's NL Canada B XD1612
