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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institute of Caribbean Insurance Risk Managers

ICIRM 1995 Petit Valley Trinidad-Tobago D j XJ9040

Sugar Association of the Caribbean

SAC 1942 Couva Trinidad-Tobago D XD4153

Association of Caribbean Beekeepers Organisations

ACBO 2002 Hope Village Trinidad-Tobago E XM4007

Association of Caribbean Copyright Societies

ACCS 2000 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago E XE3293

Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute

CARDI 1975 St Augustine Trinidad-Tobago E gj XE3268

Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education

CANQATE 2002 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago E y XM3488

Caribbean Centre for Money and Finance

1995 St Augustine Trinidad-Tobago E XE3792

Caribbean Council for Science and Technology

CCST 1980 Newtown Trinidad-Tobago E g XE8871

Caribbean Council of Higher Education in Agriculture

CACHE 1997 St Augustine Trinidad-Tobago E XE4134

Caribbean Fisheries Training and Development Institute

CFTDI 1974 Chaguaramas Trinidad-Tobago E gj XF6074

Caribbean Institute on Alcoholism and Other Drug Problems

CARIAD St Clair Trinidad-Tobago E j XE2893

Caribbean Knowledge Management Centre

CKMC 1977 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago E g XE9897

Caribbean Natural Resources Institute

CANARI 1977 Barataria Trinidad-Tobago E j XF1032

Caribbean Public Health Agency

CARPHA 2010 Newtown Trinidad-Tobago E g XJ1503

CARIRI - Caribbean Industrial Research Institute

1970 St Augustine Trinidad-Tobago E gjt XE5481

Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry

ECIAF 1954 Arima Trinidad-Tobago E gjv XE0990

North American and Caribbean Association of Schools of Social Work

NACASSW 1992 St Augustine Trinidad-Tobago E XE2018

Regional Judicial and Legal Services Commission

RJLSC 2001 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago E g XE4193

Antilles Episcopal Conference

AEC 1975 Newtown Trinidad-Tobago F XD8682

Caribbean Coalition of National AIDS Programme Coordinator

CCNAPC Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F XM2028

Caribbean Court of Justice

CCJ 2001 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F g XF3668

Caribbean Financial Action Task Force

CFATF 1990 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F g XF3732

Caribbean Information System for the Agricultural Sciences

CAGRIS St Augustine Trinidad-Tobago F g XF9788

Caribbean Med Labs Foundation

CMLF 2007 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F f XJ8870

Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development

CNIRD 1988 Tunapuna Trinidad-Tobago F XF1268


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