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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Arab Archives Institute

1999 Amman Jordan G j XM1756

Arab Regional Resource Center on Violence Against Women

AMAN 2000 Amman Jordan G XG9543

Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development

ARDD 2008 Amman Jordan G XM6950

Centre for Strategic Studies, Amman

CSS 1984 Amman Jordan G XG6925

Multilingual Internet Names Consortium

MINC Amman Jordan G XQ0069

Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought

1980 Amman Jordan G j XG8203

West Asia-North Africa Institute

WANA Institute 2009 Amman Jordan G XM6807

Arab Cardiac Society

1988 Amman Jordan H x XD8748

Arab Philosophical Society

Amman Jordan H x XD5703

Express Association of the Middle East

EAME Amman Jordan H x XD8528

Middle Eastern Society of Infection Control

MESIC 2002 Al Karak Jordan H x XJ2735

Regional Economic Development Working Group Monitoring Committee Secretariat

REDWG Monitoring Committee Secretariat 1992 Amman Jordan H gx XE4295

UNRWA/UNESCO Institute of Education

IUNRWA/UNESCO IE 1963 Amman Jordan H gjx XE9738

Arab Trade Union Confederation

ATUC 2014 Amman Jordan J AA5306

Election Network Society in the Arab Region

ENAR Amman Jordan J XM7177

Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation

AHSF 1978 Amman Jordan K f XN4637

Arab Bank Centre for Scientific Research

ABCSR 1999 Amman Jordan K XJ3770

Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia

2012 Amman Jordan K g XJ7586

Arab Society for Public Awareness from Dangerous Drugs and Narcotics

ASPADD 1990 Amman Jordan N XM8101

Arab Arbitration Chamber for Engineering and Construction Contracts

Amman Jordan U x XE1959

Arab Association for Women and Development

1989 Amman Jordan U x XN6592

Arab Common Market

ACM 1964 Amman Jordan U gx XF8345

Arab Network for Open and Distance Education

ANODE 1996 Amman Jordan U x XF7165

Arab Training Centre, Amman

Amman Jordan U x XG2047

Arab Union for International Exhibitions and Conferences

1964 Amman Jordan U gx XE9976


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