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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Arab Federation of Chambers of Shipping

2002 Alexandria Egypt D XM1481

Arab Federation of NGOs for Drug Abuse Prevention

AFNDA Cairo Egypt D XM1587

Arab Fertilizer Association

AFA 1975 Cairo Egypt D y XD4015

Arab Labour Organization

ALO 1965 Cairo Egypt D g XD0063

Arab Lawyers' Union

ALU 1958 Cairo Egypt D XD4247

Arab Medical Union

1961 Cairo Egypt D XD8699

Arab Organization for Human Rights

AOHR 1983 Cairo Egypt D XD9700

Arab Orthodontic Society

AOS 1993 Alexandria Egypt D XD7939

Arab Permanent Postal Commission

APPC 1952 Cairo Egypt D g XD0065

Arab Police Sports Confederation

1975 Cairo Egypt D g XD0916

Arab Publishers' Association

APA 1995 Giza Egypt D XD8167

Arab Science Journalists Association

ASJA 2006 Sheikh Zayed Egypt D XM0288

Arab Sea Ports Federation

ASPF 1976 Alexandria Egypt D g XD8650

Arab Society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation

ASNRT 1986 Giza Egypt D XD3523

Arab Union of Information Technology

Cairo Egypt D XM1480

Arab Water Council

AWC 2004 Cairo Egypt D XJ3156

Arab Women Investors Union

AWIU 2005 Giza Egypt D XM1485

Arab Women Organization

AW0 2003 Cairo Egypt D g XJ9297

Arabian Aquaculture Society

Alexandria Egypt D XJ2369

Arabian Geosciences Union

ArabGU 2013 Benha Egypt D XJ7090

Confédération africaine de cyclisme

CAC 1973 Cairo Egypt D XD1880

Confédération africaine de football

CAF 1957 October City Egypt D XD0019

Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations

CEEBA 2004 Cairo Egypt D XJ3765

Council of Arab Economic Unity

CAEU 1957 Giza Egypt D g XD0433

Creators Union of Arab

CUA 2001 Cairo Egypt D XM7169


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