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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Collectif interafricain des habitants

CIAH Yaoundé Cameroon G XM2330

Fondation humanus - Humanus International

1995 Yaoundé Cameroon G f XM3517

Fondation Paul Ango Ela de géopolitique en Afrique centrale

FPAE 1999 Yaoundé Cameroon G f XQ5356

Global Forum for the Defence of the Less Privileged

GFDLP 2014 Buea Cameroon G AA3613

Institut des relations internationales du Cameroun

IRIC 1971 Yaoundé Cameroon G j XG3519

International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development

ICENECDEV 2005 Buea Cameroon G XJ9875

People Empowering People Africa

PEP Africa 2003 Limbé Cameroon G XM6700

Social Development International

SDI 2005 Buea Cameroon G XJ5198

Universal Union for Consumer Protection and Civil Abuse

UNUCOPCA 2003 Buea Cameroon G XM5981

Value Health Africa

VAHA Bamenda Cameroon G XM6419

Association d'hépato-gastro-entérologie de l'Afrique noire francophone

Yaoundé Cameroon H x XD3114

Association oecuménique des théologiens africains

AOTA 1977 Bafoussam Cameroon H x XD1889

Association of African Tax Administrators

AATA 1980 Yaoundé Cameroon H gx XD6439

International Association for the Protection of the Environment in Africa

ENVIRO-PROTECT 1990 Yaoundé Cameroon H x XD2565

Organization of Trade Unions of Central Africa

OTUCA Douala Cameroon H tx XD1036

Pan African Federation of OAU Associations and Clubs

1996 Yaoundé Cameroon H x XD9032

Pan-African Association of Women in Telecommunications and Information

PAWOTI 2002 Yaoundé Cameroon H tx XJ3090

Union des éditeurs de presse d'Afrique centrale

UEPAC 1994 Douala Cameroon H x XD9298

Africa Climate and Environment Foundation

ACEF 2021 Limbé Cameroon J AA4689

Africa for Research in Comparative Education Society

AFRICE Yaoundé Cameroon J XJ6304

African Centre for Community and Development

AFCOD Limbé Cameroon J XJ6869

Association pour la Recherche et la Promotion de l'Energie Durable en Afrique Centrale

ARPEDAC 2009 Yaoundé Cameroon J XM4412

Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa

CHRDA Buea Cameroon J XJ8791

Committee of Banking Supervisors of West and Central Africa

CBSWCA 1994 Yaoundé Cameroon J g XM5889

Educate a Child in Africa

ECA Limbé Cameroon J XM7174


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