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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Commonwealth Association of Public Accounts Committees

CAPAC 2014 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago C XM4604

Association of Caribbean States

ACS 1994 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D gy XD4036


1985 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D XD0874

Caribbean Coalition for Development and Reduction of Armed Violence

CDRAV Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D XJ7672

Caribbean Employers' Confederation

CEC 1960 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D XD0211

Caribbean Herbal Business Association

CHBA Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D XJ4347

Caribbean Meteorological Organization

CMO 1973 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D g XD5659

Caribbean Public Services Association

CPSA 1970 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D XD2725

Caribbean Telecommunications Union

CTU 1988 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D gy XD2107

Caribbean Veterinary Medical Association

CVMA 2012 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D v XD7707

CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security

IMPACS 2006 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D g XM2218

Association of Caribbean Copyright Societies

ACCS 2000 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago E XE3293

Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education

CANQATE 2002 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago E y XM3488

Caribbean Knowledge Management Centre

CKMC 1977 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago E g XE9897

Regional Judicial and Legal Services Commission

RJLSC 2001 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago E g XE4193

Caribbean Coalition of National AIDS Programme Coordinator

CCNAPC Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F XM2028

Caribbean Court of Justice

CCJ 2001 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F g XF3668

Caribbean Financial Action Task Force

CFATF 1990 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F g XF3732

Caribbean Med Labs Foundation

CMLF 2007 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F f XJ8870

Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS

CRN+ 1996 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago F XF5669

Caribbean Patent Information Network

CARPIN Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago H gx XF5130

Caribbean Science and Technology Information Network

CARSTIN 1983 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago H dg XF0805

Commonwealth Caribbean Government Statisticians Conference

Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago S c XS3192

Association for Caribbean Transformation

ACT 1972 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago U x XF5027

Caribbean Building and Loan Association

Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago U s XU0386


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