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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

African Research Information Network

AFRINET Nairobi Kenya U x XK2194

African Research Network for Urban Management

ARNUM Nairobi Kenya U x XF2811

African Research Utilization Network

ARUNET 1992 Nairobi Kenya U x XF3705

African Society for Environmental Studies Programme

ASESP 1968 Nairobi Kenya U x XF0224

African Unification Front

AUF 1996 Nairobi Kenya U x XF6877

African Water Network

AWN 1990 Nairobi Kenya U x XF0167

African Youth Parliament

AYP 2003 Nairobi Kenya U x XQ5357

Arab States Women's Features Service

Nairobi Kenya U x XF1960

Association of Physicians of East and Central Africa

APECA 1954 Nairobi Kenya U x XU2191

Communauté évangélique du Christ au coeur de l'Afrique

CECCA Nairobi Kenya U x XG7008

Coordinating Centre for Regional Information Training, Nairobi

CRIT Nairobi Kenya U x XG6673

Council for Economic Empowerment of Women in Africa

CEEWA Nairobi Kenya U x XN7180

Development Alternative Network

Nairobi Kenya U x XG3267

Development Policy Management Forum

DPMF 1995 Nairobi Kenya U d XK1490

Development Universal Church Africa Projects Association

DUCAPA Nairobi Kenya U x XN0123

East Africa Natural History Society

EANHS 1909 Nairobi Kenya U n XD5346

East Africa School of Theology, Kenya

Nairobi Kenya U x XG4307

East African Resource Facility

EARF Nairobi Kenya U x XF4523

East African Tourism Coordinating Agency

EATCA Nairobi Kenya U x XE4536


Nairobi Kenya U x XG0991

Ecosystem Conservation Group

ECG 1975 Nairobi Kenya U d XE0623

Energy Alternatives Africa

EAA 1993 Nairobi Kenya U x XN7452

Family Network International

Nairobi Kenya U x XN7555

Global Urban Observatory Network

GUONet Nairobi Kenya U dg XK1471

Green African Society International

GASI Nairobi Kenya U x XF3458


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