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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa

AHILA 1980 Lusaka Zambia D XD0907

PharmaConnect Africa

2017 Lusaka Zambia D AA5192

Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa

ACTESA 2008 Lusaka Zambia E gt XJ2975

COMESA Business Council

CBC Lusaka Zambia E AA1128

ECA Subregional Office for Southern Africa

SRO-SA Lusaka 1997 Lusaka Zambia E g XE6080

Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa

RAERESA 2009 Lusaka Zambia E g XJ2866

SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre

SPGRC 1988 Lusaka Zambia E g XF5236

Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa

COMESA 1994 Lusaka Zambia F g XF3162

Network for African Peace-Builders

NAPS Lusaka Zambia F XF7191

Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes

ReNAPRI 2012 Lusaka Zambia F j AA2229

Regional Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programme

ReSCOPE Programme 2006 Lusaka Zambia F AA1176

Southern African Conflict Prevention Network

SACPN Lusaka Zambia F XJ2024

Women and Law in Southern Africa Research Trust

WLSA 1987 Lusaka Zambia F XF1143

Institute of Economic and Social Research

INESOR 1937 Lusaka Zambia G j XG6714

Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes

SACCORD 2000 Lusaka Zambia G XM1999

African Council of Organic Associations

ACOA 1999 Lusaka Zambia H x XD8358

Association of Regulators of Information and Communications for Eastern and Southern Africa

ARICEA 2003 Lusaka Zambia H x XM2236

Federation of African Women's Networks on Peace

FERFAP 1998 Lusaka Zambia H x XD8714

OneWorld Africa

Lusaka Zambia K XK2240

Africa Press Trust

Lusaka Zambia U x XN1073

African Centre of the Commonwealth Youth Programme

Lusaka Zambia U gx XK1176

African Music Association

AMA Lusaka Zambia U x XF3750

African Renaissance Committee

ARC Lusaka Zambia U x XN3923

Afroelder International

Lusaka Zambia U x XN7494

Eastern and Southern Africa Development Information System

ESADIS 1993 Lusaka Zambia U x XK0676


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