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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Arab Air Carriers' Organization

AACO 1965 Beirut Lebanon D XD4017

Arab Beverage Association

ABA Beirut Lebanon D XJ9851

Arab Council for the Social Sciences

ACSS 2010 Beirut Lebanon D XJ5099

Arab Council of Operations and Maintenance

OMAINTEC 2004 Beirut Lebanon D XM8591

Arab Federation for Paper, Printing and Packaging Industries

AFPPPI 1977 Beirut Lebanon D t XD5048

Arab Federation of Capital Markets

1978 Beirut Lebanon D XD1413

Arab Federation of Surveyors

2002 Beirut Lebanon D XJ1008

Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union

Arab IPU 1974 Beirut Lebanon D XD3423

Arab Organization of Disabled People

AODP 1998 Beirut Lebanon D XM1768

Arab Society for Plant Protection

ASPP 1981 Beirut Lebanon D v XD3121

Arab Thought Foundation

ATF 2000 Beirut Lebanon D f XM0966

Arabic Language International Council

Beirut Lebanon D XM6606

Asian Blind Union

Beirut Lebanon D XD6500

Association of Theological Seminaries and Institutes in the Middle East

ATIME 1967 Beirut Lebanon D XD2523

Eastern Mediterranean Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

EMACAPAP 2000 Beirut Lebanon D XM1279

Eastern Mediterranean Council of Optometry

EMCO 2010 Beirut Lebanon D XD1181

Interarab Cambist Association

ICA 1972 Beirut Lebanon D XD5353

Middle East Council of Churches

MECC 1974 Beirut Lebanon D y XD2971

Middle East Fertility Society

MEFS 1992 Beirut Lebanon D XD9323

Pan Arab Federation of Societies of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management

PAFSA 1986 Beirut Lebanon D XD3395

Pan-Arab Congenital Heart Disease Association

PACHDA 2002 Beirut Lebanon D v XM8253

Pan-Arab NeuroRadiology Society

PANRS 1994 Beirut Lebanon D XG9745

Union of Arab Banks

UAB 1972 Beirut Lebanon D XD4543

Union of Arab Chambers

UAC 1951 Beirut Lebanon D XD5575

Union of Arab Paediatric Societies

UAPS 1968 Beirut Lebanon D XD7000


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