Legal Status of International Organizations

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title:6. National Law and International Associations in force

This section contains the following articles (accesible via the links on the right)

  • 6.1: Status of International Associations under Belgian Law
  • 6.2: Status of International Associations under French Law
  • 6.3: Status of International Associations under Swiss Law
  • 6.4: Protocol for Non-Governmental Organizations active in Togo

title:5. Other Conventions Indicative of Related Possibilities

This section contains the following articles (accesible via the links on the right)

  • 5.1: Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Agencies
  • 5.2: Freedom of Association and Right to Organize
  • 5.3: Statute of European Commercial Companies (Proposed)
  • 5.4: Privileges and Immunities in Diplomatic Relations
  • 5.5: Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons
  • 5.6: European Economic Interest Grouping
  • 5.7: United Nations Staff Rules

title:Protocol for Non-Governmental Organizations Active in Togo

Appendix 6.4 of the International Associations Statutes Series vol 1, UIA eds (1988)

The following text is included as an example of an unusual agreement,concluded in 1983, between the government of a country and a national grouping of non-governmental organizations active in that country. The agreement is of special interest in that it also makes provision for the activities of foreign non-governmental bodies.


title:Status of International Associations under Swiss Law

Appendix 6.3 of the International Associations Statutes Series vol 1, UIA eds (1988)

International associations may be established under the Swiss Civil Code, Articles 60 et seq, governing the creation of associations. This does not have any requirement with regard to the nationality of directors. The text of the relevant articles is as follows.

Chapitre II: Des Associations


A. Constitution

Art. 60: Organisation corporative



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