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Psychology → Imagery


Imagery is visual symbolism, or figurative language that evokes a mental image or other kinds of sense impressions, especially in a literary work, but also in other activities such as. Imagery in literature can also be instrumental in conveying tone.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Imagery

Federation of Asian Societies for Molecular Imaging / Est. 2006
Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging / Seongnam, Korea Rep / Est. 2006
Scandinavian Visualization Society / Stavanger, Norway / Est. 2002
Institut international de l'image et du son / Elancourt, France / Est. 1988
Radiant Earth Foundation / Washington DC, USA
Association internationale de l'image corporelle
International Imagery Association / Yonkers NY, USA / Est. 1979
Association of Printing and Data Solutions Professionals / Oak Park IL, USA / Est. 1927
Imagery International / Eugene OR, USA / Est. 1995
Electronic Imaging - the Visual Arts and Beyond / Hampton Hill, UK / Est. 1990
Panafrikimage / Brussels, Belgium
Images et solidarité / Guyancourt, France / Est. 1988
Conference on Small Animal Precision Image-Guided Radiotherapy
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology / Est. 1998
Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology / Est. 2006
International Conference Information Visualisation
International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the intersections between Art, Science and Culture / Est. 2010
International Symposium on Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory / Est. 1987
Société internationale des techniques d'imagerie mentale onirique / Paris, France / Est. 1968
Fleischner Society / East Dundee IL, USA / Est. 1969
ICOM International Committee for Audiovisual and New Technologies of Image and Sound / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 1990
Africa Chamber of Content Producers / Accra, Ghana
European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2006
International Imaging Technology Council / Las Vegas NV, USA / Est. 2000
European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging / Bristol, UK / Est. 1992
European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging / Kings Hill, UK / Est. 1993
Imaging and Perimetric Society / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1974
International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart
European Federation of the Scientific Image / Gorleston-on-Sea, UK / Est. 1990
International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors
International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis
World Federation of Pediatric Imaging / Est. 2011
The Image Research Network / Est. 2010
Eidetics Academy / Guelph ON, Canada / Est. 1969
International Committee for Imaging Science / Beijing, China / Est. 1962
Nuclear Medicine Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1987
Asian Symposium on Visualization / Est. 1988
Society for Imaging Science and Technology / Springfield VA, USA / Est. 1947
MIDL Foundation / Est. 2019
Pan African Congress of Radiology and Imaging
International Symposium on Interventional Radiology and New Vascular Imaging
International Association of Word and Image Studies / Est. 1987
Graph Drawing / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1992
European Society for Molecular Imaging / Cologne, Germany / Est. 2005
Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT, and Radiation Therapy Trade Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2001
European Society of Thoracic Imaging / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1993
World Molecular Imaging Society / Culver City CA, USA / Est. 2011

View all profiles (120 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Imagery

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Discrimination against women in religion
Dissatisfaction with personal image
Inadequate use of visual imagery for societal learning
Breakdown in community security systems
Excessive portrayal of substance abuse in the media
Depersonalization of responsibility
Negative stereotyping of majority world
Fear of future change
Low self esteem
Shortage of entrepreneurial ability
Defensive life stance
Biased portrayal of women in mass media
Confusion over sex roles
Promotion of negative images of opponents
Minimum promotion of community assets
Felt community powerlessness

Action Strategies relating to Imagery

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Improving media image of developing countries
Countering exploitation of women's image
Creating desired futures
Building self esteem
Sharpening image
Sustaining transpersonal development
Using image falsification
Developing imaging industry
Imaging Earth
Fostering broader life images
Providing heroic images
Developing youth vocational images
Structuring image articulation
Fostering helpful stylistic images
Initiating self awareness
Recognizing global society
Arousing primordial images
Communicating coherent images
Intensifying self-appreciative images
Preserving propriety image of common law
Projecting significant community images
Expanding creative primal images

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