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Religious Practice → Priesthood

Organizations relating to Priesthood

Europäischer Verband Freikirchlicher Diakoniewerke / Hamburg, Germany / Est. 1907
DIAKONIA of Asia-Pacific / Adelaide SA, Australia
European Association of Diaconal Institutions of the Free Churches / Hamburg, Germany
Congregation for the Clergy / Rome, Italy
International Diaconate Centre / Rottenburg, Germany / Est. 1959
DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean / Winnipeg MB, Canada / Est. 1968
Marian Movement of Priests / Como, Italy / Est. 1973
Consilium Commissionum Presbyteralium Europae / Est. 1969
Priestly Society of Saint Pius X / Paris, France / Est. 1970
Pastors for Peace / New York NY, USA / Est. 1988
Association of Christians Ministering Among Internationals / Madison WI, USA / Est. 1982
Nordiske Presteforeningers Samarbeidsorgan
Nordic Council of Deacons' Associations
World Council for Imamiah Affairs
Association of Diaconal Organizations in Europe / Est. 1992
International Union of Antimilitarist Ministers and Clergymen / Est. 1928
European League of Imams and Chaplains / Est. 2008
European Confederation of Deacons
Concile Mondiale de Congrès Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques / Est. 1998
World Anglican Chinese Clergy Fellowship Association / Taipei, Taiwan
FAM International / Alabaster AL, USA / Est. 1989
Rabbis for Human Rights / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1988
Little Sisters of the Holy Family / Sherbrooke QC, Canada / Est. 1880
Paris Foreign Mission Society / Paris, France / Est. 1660
Priest Missionaries of the Kingship of Christ / Rome, Italy / Est. 1953
Congregation of Saint John the Baptist Precursor / Rome, Italy / Est. 1958
Société des Auxiliaires des Missions / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1926
Society of St Peter the Apostle for Native Clergy / Rome, Italy
Southern African Association for Progressive Rabbis
Rabbinical Centre of Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2000
Instituto Español de Misiones Extranjeras / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1899
Comité des postulants européens / Lisbon, Portugal
Casa Internazionale del Clero / Rome, Italy / Est. 1976
Oeuvre de coopération sacerdotale avec l'Amérique latine / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1948
Clergy Coalition to End Executions / Miami FL, USA
European Conference of Protestant Deacons
World Council of Clergy / Est. 1947
Centrum voor Zending en Werelddiakonaat / Driebergen, Netherlands
Third World Working Group of Vicars / Baden, Austria / Est. 1976
World Rabbinic Committee for the Preservation of Ancient Tombs in Tiberias / Brooklyn NY, USA / Est. 1983
Conference of European Pastors' Associations
International Spiritual Baptist Ministerial Association
International Chaplain's Ministry / Edmonds WA, USA / Est. 1981
International Clergy Council / Alexandria VA, USA
Fédération internationale des aides au Prêtre / Est. 1971
European Council of Priests
International Society for the Research and Study of Diaconia and Christian Social Practice
International Academy for Diaconia and Social Action, Central & Eastern Europe / Cesky Tesin, Czechia / Est. 2008
Conference of European Rabbis / Munich, Germany / Est. 1957
International Association of Evangelical Chaplains / Helotes TX, USA / Est. 1997

View all profiles (124 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Priesthood

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Homosexuality in the clergy
Misuse of spiritual authority for sexual purposes
Unethical practices of priesthood

Action Strategies relating to Priesthood

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Ministering to souls
Developing holiness in priestly life
Ministering to society
Ministering to unbelievers
Ministering through prayer
Abolishing unethical practices of priesthood
Ensuring competent priests
Covering up incompetent priests
Reporting malpractice of clergy
Promoting ministerial priesthood
Providing chaplaincy
Implementing diaconal aid
Assisting priests

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