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Recreation → Athletics

Organizations relating to Athletics

International Rope Skipping Federation / Québec QC, Canada / Est. 1983
African Triathlon Union / Lagos, Nigeria / Est. 1993
Pacific Alliance of National Gymnastic Federations / Ottawa ON, Canada / Est. 1981
Central American and Caribbean Athletic Confederation / Pétion-Ville, Haiti / Est. 1966
Asian Triathlon Confederation / Seoul, Korea Rep / Est. 1991
Nordic Weightlifting Federation / Trondheim, Norway
South American Athletic Confederation / Manaus, Brazil / Est. 1918
Pan-American Rope Skipping Federation
African Masters Athletics / Est. 1994
Oceania Triathlon Federation / Sydney NSW, Australia
Confederación Sudamericana de Gimnasia / Lima, Peru
Federación Sudamericana de Powerlifting / Buenos Aires, Argentina
South Pacific Bodybuilding Federation / Nouméa, New Caledonia
Sports Union for athletes with Down Syndrome
Middle East Gymnastics Association / Est. 2014
Asia and Pacific Jump Rope Federation / Hong Kong, Hong Kong
North and Central American and Caribbean Regional Association of WMA / Mexico City, Mexico
Falun Dafa / New York NY, USA
Athletes in Action International / Xenia OH, USA / Est. 1966
International Track and Field Coaches Association / Est. 1959
World Runners / Greenbrae CA, USA / Est. 1978
UNASMA - Fundación Internacional de Asma y Alergias / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1996
Oceania Powerlifting Federation / Melbourne VIC, Australia
Missionary Athletes International / Matthews NC, USA / Est. 1983
International Front Runners / Est. 1986
Athletes United for Peace / Berkeley CA, USA / Est. 1982
International League for Modern Gymnastics / Est. 1952
World Strengthlifting Federation / Est. 1986
Confederación Sudamericana de Panathlon
Arab Weightlifting Federation / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1974
Central American and Caribbean Confederation of Weightlifting / Est. 1969
Union culturiste internationale / Est. 1958
Asociación Sudamericana de Jueces de Atletismo / Est. 1967
Nordic Gymnastics Union
Arab Body Building Federation
Arab Gymnastics Confederation
Nordens Gymnastikkforbund
Ibero-American Athletic Association / Est. 1982
South American Weightlifting Confederation / Est. 1958
International Vaulting Club
World Runners Association / Est. 2014
World Jump Rope Federation
World Strongmen Federation / Riga, Latvia
International Jukskei Federation
Fonds francophone de préparation olympique / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1990
World Acrobats Society / Altamonte Springs FL, USA
Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team International / Est. 1977
Flanders International Gymnastics / Ghent, Belgium
International Track Association / Est. 1974
Nordic Cooperation in Athletics

View all profiles (197 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Athletics

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Drug abuse among athletes
Smuggling cigarettes
Illegal international arms shipments
Involuntary ritual hazings
Corruption in sports and athletics
Unethical sporting practices
Sports accidents
Abuse of women by male athletes
Indeterminate gender verification

Action Strategies relating to Athletics

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Supporting very small scale economic activities
Running demonstration projects in ecological farming
Protecting intangible cultural heritage
Transferring technology
Keeping fit
Depoliticizing international sports events
Running away
Holding international athletic competitions
Campaigning for elections
Running illegal industries
Running illegal political regimes
Improving sex tests for athletes
Resisting political intervention in international athletic exchanges
Improving weightlifting techniques
Encouraging former athletes
Awarding certificates weightlifting champions
Organizing athletic competitions
Honouring distinguished athletes
Regulating weightlifting
Practicing bodybuilding
Developing amateur athletics

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