South American Athletic Confederation

Confédération sudaméricaine d'athlétisme
Confederación Sudamericana de Atletismo (CONSUDATLE)

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1918-05-24 Buenos Aires Argentina


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Unite South American associations, federations and confederations which promote and govern athletics in their respective countries; issue regulations and adopt measures, in accordance with constitution and regulations of IAAF; homologate South American records from affiliated organs, providing they have been set according to IAAF norms; organize South American Championships and other events in the area, establishing rules and regulations for their execution; promote ethical values and combat all kinds of doping and of racial, political, religious or any other kind of discrimination within sport; promote development of athletics in South America and diffusion of technical knowledge within member federations; grant titles of honorary member, awards and other distinctions to persons or organizations which have distinguished themselves in developing and promoting athletics.


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Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations

Continental association of: B-XB1153 - World Athletics. Member of: H-XD5095 - Asociación de Confederaciones Deportivas Sudamericanas (ACODESU). Links with: B-XA2303 - International Olympic Committee (IOC); D-XD1571 - Asociación Panamericana de Atletismo (APA); D-XD3074 - Panam Sports Organization (Panam Sports).


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Type I Classification

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Subjects *



* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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