Industry → Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation
Organizations relating to Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation
The European Committee of Industrial Furnace, Heating and Metallurgical Equipment Associations / Frankfurt-Main, Germany / Est. 1972
Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegnerinnen / Stuttgart, Germany / Est. 1892
International Association of Refrigeration / Est. 1908
International Society of Ondol
International Conference on Mechanical Ventilation
Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Cooperative Information Exchange Relating to the Development of Solar Heating and Cooling Systems in Buildings / Est. 1974
Agreement Concerning the Application of the Agreement of 11 February 1977, in the Field of Gas-cooled Reactor Concepts and Technology / Est. 1977
International Mobile Air Conditioning Association / Est. 1958
Cooling Technology Institute / Houston TX, USA / Est. 1950
International Symposium on Innovations and Applications of Monitoring Perfusion, Oxygenation and Ventilation / Est. 2005
International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning / Est. 1991
International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings / Est. 1992
European Ventilation Industry Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2010
International Council on Ventilation Hygiene / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1998
Nordic Insulation Symposium on Materials, Components and Diagnostics / Est. 1968
Fédération européenne des grossistes en appareils sanitaires et de chauffage / Zaventem, Belgium / Est. 1958
eurammon / Frankfurt-Main, Germany / Est. 1996
International Vacuum Insulation Symposium
European Waterproofing Association / Brussels, Belgium
European Ventilation Hygiene Association / Tallinn, Estonia / Est. 1999
International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating
International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling / Est. 1987
International Symposium on the Aerodynamics, Ventilation and Fire in Tunnels / Bedford, UK
European Single Ply Waterproofing Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1997
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration European Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1988
European Association for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems / Baden Baden, Germany / Est. 2008
Coalition for Clean Renewable and Affordable Heating and Cooling
The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1992
Industry Association for FEF and PEF Insulation / Innsbruck, Austria / Est. 2012
European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling / Brussels, Belgium
European Cellulose Insulation Association / Brussels, Belgium
Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre / Ghent, Belgium / Est. 1979
Cool Heating Coalition / Brussels, Belgium
Yellow Sea Rim International Exchange Meeting on Building Environment and Energy
Watercoolers Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1993
Green Cooling Initiative / Eschborn, Germany / Est. 2014
International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme on District Heating and Cooling / Frankfurt-Main, Germany / Est. 1983
International Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena / Est. 1928
Association of the European Heating Industry / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2002
International Institute of Refrigeration / Paris, France / Est. 1908
Vacuum Insulation Panel Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2014
Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilating and Sanitary Engineering Associations / Helsinki, Finland / Est. 1956
International Institute of All-Natural Refrigeration / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1971
Global Cold Chain Alliance / Arlington VA, USA / Est. 2007
European Industrial Insulation Foundation / Gland, Switzerland / Est. 2009
European Insulation Manufacturers Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1961
European Liquid Heating Fuels Association / Brussels, Belgium
Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers / Brussels, Belgium
Euroheat and Power / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1954
European Partnership for Energy and the Environment / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2000
View all profiles (112 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialFreezing of plumbing systems
Economic inflation
Industrial and domestic heating emissions as air pollutants
Inadequate protection from cold weather
Action Strategies relating to Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialCooling
Recovering heat from natural ventilation systems
Freezing production of ozone-depleting substances
Mitigating overheating of the planet
Air conditioning offices
Improving heating of buildings
Ventilating air through buildings
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