Amenities → Villages
Organizations relating to Villages
Ten Thousand Villages / Akron PA, USA / Est. 1946
Centro Internacional de Información sobre Cultivos de Cobertura / Tegucigalpa, Honduras / Est. 1990
Global Village for Rehabilitation and Development, India
International Students' Association of Village Concept Projects / Est. 2003
Union des villages de vacances de la Méditerranée / Est. 1960
Village Enterprise / San Carlos CA, USA / Est. 1987
Village Ministries International / Oklahoma City OK, USA
International Village Meetings / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1995
Réseau européen des villages de la culture
Sustainable Village / Boulder CO, USA
Village des jeunes européens "Le Pouget" / Est. 1966
Asociación para la Cooperación con los Pueblos de América Central
Eurovillages, association européenne / Paris, France
Villages sans frontières / Est. 1983
International Village Cooperation / Baelum, Denmark / Est. 1983
African Village Academy / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Villages Unis / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2011
ICOMOS International Committee on Historic Cities, Towns and Villages / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1982
SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit - Hermann-Gmeiner-Fonds Deutschland e.V. / Munich, Germany / Est. 1963
Operation Romanian Villages International / La Louvière, Belgium / Est. 1988
CISV International / London, UK / Est. 1950
World Villages for Children / London, UK / Est. 1964
European Council for the Village and Small Town / Tenterden, UK / Est. 1984
View all profiles (38 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Villages
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialDisruptive rural to urban migration
Involuntary mass resettlement
Unstructured local government in small communities
Minimum promotion of community assets
Unfocused design of community space
Lack of sanitation in rural areas
Community expertise drain
Restricted scope of local employment
Underdeveloped community leadership
Excessive mobility of village populations
Undue control of prices by intermediaries
Geographically isolated settlements
Lack of urgency in village operations
Environmental exigencies in tropical villages
Decline in local community spirit
Action Strategies relating to Villages
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialEnvisioning One Earth
Expanding social forestry
Extending rural energy planning to villages and households
Installing village intercom system
Training for village governance
Enhancing village/government dialogue
Diversifying local economies
Facilitating mobility among villages
Recognizing global society
Recognizing village attraction
Identifying obstacles to village education
Relieving paralyzing patterns between villages and administrations
Undertaking village plan
Defining village node
Creating imaginative village story
Planning urban villages
Organizing village meetings
Disrupting village identity
Protecting villagers from exposure to outside influences
Improving income of rural communities
Improving inter-village communication
Stabilizing images of rural community identity
Improving inter-village cooperation
Increasing neighbourhood leadership
Improving extra-village experience
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