Plant Life → Cereals
Organizations relating to Cereals
International Grain Trade Coalition / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2014
European Malt Product Manufacturers Association / Felixstowe, UK / Est. 1975
European Turfgrass Society / Quinto Vicentino, Italy / Est. 2007
Eastern Africa Grain Council / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2006
Unistock Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1969
European Commodities Exchange / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1961
Fund for Latin American Irrigated Rice / Cali, Colombia / Est. 1995
Bamboo of the Americas / Gold Beach OR, USA
Sesame Workshop / New York NY, USA / Est. 1968
Canadian Foodgrains Bank / Winnipeg MB, Canada / Est. 1983
International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan / Beijing, China / Est. 2000
Bamboo Foundation / Lower Hutt, New Zealand / Est. 2000
Federation of Nordic Cereal Societies / Ås, Norway / Est. 1931
International Agricultural Union for Fixing the Price of Cereals / Est. 1901
Latin American Association on Post-Harvest Grain Technology / Est. 1982
European Association for Grain Legume Research
Comptoir maghrébin de l'alfa / Est. 1965
Latin American Corn Society / Est. 1961
Caribbean Rice Association
Union européenne des céréales
Caribbean Rice Industry Development Network / Georgetown, Guyana
International Rice Commission / Est. 1948
Cereals Network / Dakar, Senegal
East and Central Africa Rice Research Network
Turfgrass Producers International / East Dundee IL, USA / Est. 1967
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International / Kensington MD, USA / Est. 1978
International Wild Rice Association / Outing MN, USA / Est. 1969
International Barley Genetics Symposium
Wheat Trade Convention, 1967 / Est. 1967
Wheat Trade Convention, 1971 / Est. 1971
Memorandum of Agreement Relating to the Production and Marketing of Wheat / Est. 1942
International Wheat Agreement, 1986 / Est. 1986
Agreement with Respect to Corn, Sorghum, Ordinary Wheat, Rice and Poultry / Est. 1962
Agreement Relating to Cereals / Est. 1967
International Wheat Convention / Est. 1986
Exchange of Notes Constituting an Agreement Amending the Wheat Agreement of 22 April 1942 / Est. 1946
Special Protocol on Basic Grains / Est. 1965
International Wheat Agreement, 1971
International Grains Arrangement 1967 / Est. 1967
Group of Cereal Cooperatives of the EU / Est. 1959
West African Vetiver Network / Accra, Ghana
International Grain Legume Information Centre / Ibadan, Nigeria
CARICOM Corn and Soyabean Company
Réseau des technologies de transformation des produits de base en Afrique / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1991
Commission internationale de l'orge de brasserie
East Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Network
Food and Feed Grains Institute / Est. 1968
Wheat Advisory Committee
Commission internationale pour l'amélioration des orges de brasserie
Asian Grain Legumes Network / Est. 1986
View all profiles (176 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Cereals
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialInstability of trade in maize/corn
Pests and diseases of grain sorghum
Long-term shortage of wheat
Pests and diseases of rice
Instability of wheat trade
Threatened temperate sea-grass beds
Overdependence on few crop species
Instability of trade in cereals and cereal preparations
Instability of rice trade
Protein deficiency in cereals
Adverse effects of high-yield grain in traditional agricultural settings
Environmental hazards from rice production
Ergot of grain
Food grain spoilage
Maize pests and diseases
Pests and diseases of wheat
Action Strategies relating to Cereals
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialPlanting grasses
Improving rice cultivation practices
Reducing meat consumption to conserve grain
Producing ethanol from sugar cane
Reducing methane emissions from rice fields
Improving fodder plants
Conserving herbaceous habitats
Conserving bamboos
Replacing grass lawns
Using irrigated rice for land reclamation
Using bamboo
Building safe grain warehouses
Recovering salinated rice fields
Upgrading local rice yields
Sowing mixed stock-feed grains
Growing grain crops
Investigating "grass is greener" syndrome
Preserving harvested foods
Improving grain yield
Appropriating food grain technologies
Diversifying rice products
Advancing rice growing technologies
Collecting literature on rice
Transporting grain
Exporting cereals
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