Fundamental Sciences → Electrophysics
Organizations relating to Electrophysics
Asia Semiconductor Trading Support Association / Est. 2006
Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 2009
World Semiconductor Trade Statistics / Morgan Hill CA, USA
European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics / Munich, Germany
International Superconductivity Technology Center / Kawasaki, Japan / Est. 1988
European Conference of the Industry of Electrical Capacitors / Est. 1974
European Electrostatic Discharge Association
Solar Solidarity International
Electrostatic Discharge Association / Rome NY, USA / Est. 1982
International Conference on Small Gap Semiconductors / Linz, Austria
International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity / Est. 1988
Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers Against Ionising Radiations / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1960
CMEA Coordinating Centre for Semiconductor Materials and High-Purity Metals
European Semiconductor Council
Congrès international de radiologie et d'électricité
International Liaison Group on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation
SolarBank Programme
ACCELLERA / Napa CA, USA / Est. 2000
Comité coordinateur des travailleurs de la métallurgie, de la sidérurgie, des mines, de l'électricité et de l'électronique d'Amérique latine / Bogota, Colombia
International SEMATECH / Est. 1987
International Commission on Low Temperature Physics / Est. 1949
Interconnexion de l'électricité du Sud-Ouest de l'Europe / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1988
Société européenne des semi-conducteurs
European Network for Superconductivity
Semiconductor Research Corporation / Durham NC, USA / Est. 1982
Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics
International Conference on High Pressure Semiconductor Physics
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors / Est. 2000
International Symposium on Superconductivity / Est. 1988
East Asia Joint Symposium on Plasma and Electrostatics Technologies for Environmental Applications
Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors / Est. 1991
International Conference on Defects-Recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors
International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors / Est. 1965
International Conference of RF Superconductivity / Est. 1980
European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics / Est. 1988
International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors / Est. 1995
International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures / Est. 1982
International Conference on Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors / Est. 1988
International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference / Est. 1984
Global Semiconductor Alliance / Dallas TX, USA
SOLARUNITED / Hainau, Germany
International Workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices / Est. 2005
International Society for Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy / Est. 2009
International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research
Consortium of European Companies Determined to Use Superconductivity / Erftstadt, Germany / Est. 1994
International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators / Est. 2004
World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion / Est. 1994
World Semiconductor Council / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1996
International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds / Cagliari, Italy
International Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin Related Phenomena in Semiconductors / Est. 1995
View all profiles (78 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Electrophysics
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialRadioactive contamination
Harmful biological effects of ionizing radiation
Environmental hazards of non-ionizing radiation
Action Strategies relating to Electrophysics
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialDeveloping photovoltaic solar power
Protecting against health hazards of radioisotopes
Studying harmful biological effects of ionizing radiation
Protecting against non ionizing radiation
Protecting against ionizing
Exchanging among electrostatic printmakers
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