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Religious Practice → Non-Religious Orders

Organizations relating to Non-Religious Orders

International Masonic Union / Buchbach, Germany / Est. 1961
Masonic Movement / Est. 1640
Society of Blue Friars / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1932
General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International / Greenfield IN, USA / Est. 1797
Philalethes Society / Deep River CT, USA / Est. 1928
Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World / Columbus GA, USA / Est. 1917
International Federation of Masons / Est. 1903
Bureau international des relations maçonniques / Est. 1903
International Masonic Association / Est. 1921
Sovereign Order of World Guards / Washington DC, USA
Gran Oriente Latinoamericano / Quito, Ecuador
Universal Masonic Order of the Eastern Star / South Orange NJ, USA / Est. 1960
Universaler Freimaurer Orden "Humanitas" / Munich, Germany
International Supreme Council of World Masons / Est. 1948
Universal Masonic Brotherhood / Detroit MI, USA / Est. 1960
Eastern Federation of International Co-Freemasonry / Chennai, India
Australasian Association of Masonic Clubs
Federation of Masons of the World / Est. 1958
Honorable Order of the Blue Goose International / Elm Grove WI, USA / Est. 1906
Ligue universelle de francs-maçons / Est. 1905
International Commission for Orders of Chivalry / Serravalle, San Marino / Est. 1960
International Masonic Order 'DELPHI' / Athens, Greece / Est. 1926
Centre de liaison et d'information des puissances maçonniques signataires de l'Appel de Strasbourg / Montreuil, France / Est. 1961
Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm / Est. 1881

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