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Organizations relating to Beverages

International Alliance for Responsible Drinking / Washington DC, USA
Asia-Pacific Society for Alcohol and Addiction Research / Yokosuka, Japan
Oenological Products and Practices / Paris, France / Est. 2009
European Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods Council / Valencia, Spain / Est. 2005
Arab Beverage Association / Beirut, Lebanon
World Wine Trade Group / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1998
Nordiskt Alkohol- och Narkotikapolitiskt Samarbete / Türi, Estonia / Est. 2000
International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 2004
European Alcohol and Health Forum / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2007
Quality Juice Foundation / Nieder-Olm, Germany / Est. 2009
Scandinavian College for Brewers / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1925
International Foundation for the Protection of Drinking Water / Auckland, New Zealand / Est. 1983
Plastic Soup Foundation / Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nordic Council for Alcohol Research
European Rum Association / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1979
Asociación Iberoamericana de Estudio de los Problemas del Alcohol y la Droga / Santiago, Chile
International League Against the Abuse of Alcoholic Liquor / Est. 1906
Association Universitaire Internationale du Vin et des Produits de la Vigne / Paris, France
International Wine Technical Summit / Est. 2013
Grapes for Humanity / Longboat Key FL, USA / Est. 2003
International Whisky Society / Amstelveen, Netherlands / Est. 2003
Convention Relating to the Liquor Traffic in Africa / Est. 1919
Convention for the Suppression of the Contraband Traffic in Alcoholic Liquors / Est. 1925
Convention Respecting the Liquor Traffic in Africa / Est. 1906
International Convention on the Standardization of Methods of Wine Analysis and Evaluation / Est. 1954
International Beer Tasting Society / Santa Ana CA, USA / Est. 1956
International Soft Drinks Association
Skandinaviska Bryggeriföreningarnas Ständiga Utskotts
Coca-Cola Collectors Club Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1994
European Alcohol Action Plan / Est. 1992
Confédération des malteurs de l'Union économique belgo-luxembourgeoise
Organisation interprofessionnelle européenne des vins de tables
International Center for Alcohol Policies / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1995
Association du musée international de l'étiquette de vin / Aigle, Switzerland / Est. 1991
FIFA/Coca-Cola International Academy / Est. 1980
Global Beer Alliance
European Core Group on Alcohol Education / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1979
Unitarian Universalist Society for Alcohol and Drug Education / North Weymouth MA, USA / Est. 1886
International Coalition on Alcohol and Harm Reduction / Est. 2002
Fédération internationale de l'oenographie
Consortium of European Alcohol Research Centres / Est. 1997
International Saké Institute / Hilo HI, USA
International Centre for Alcohol and Addictions / Est. 1986
European Coca-Cola Collectors / Brussels, Belgium
Nordic Coca-Cola Collectors Club
International Wine Society / Est. 1975
International Union of United Brewery, Flour, Cereal, Soft Drink and Distillery Workers of America / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 1886
International Society of Wine Tasters / Est. 1964
Association of Small and Independent Breweries in Europe / Munich, Germany
Trends in Brewing - International Malting and Brewing Symposium

View all profiles (209 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Beverages

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Chronic alcoholism
Shortage of fresh-water
Health risks of alcohol consumption
Foetal alcohol syndrome
Infectious drinking water
Substance abuse during control of complex equipment
Substance abuse by the elderly
Instability of wine trade
Medicines containing alcohol
Alcoholic intoxication at work
Addiction to soft drinks
Consumption of alcohol
Excessive portrayal of substance abuse in the media
Susceptibility of women to alcohol
Polluted drinking water
Toxic blue-green algae in drinking water
Drunk driving
Unhealthy diet
Social costs of substance abuse
Children of alcoholics
Solvent and methylated spirits drinking
Juvenile alcoholism

Action Strategies relating to Beverages

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Developing beer technology
Ensuring clean drinking water
Communicating with the dead
Taxing drink containers
Conducting public education programmes on drinking water supply and sanitation
Training in water sanitation
Using indigenous methods to maximize local involvement in drinking water supply and sanitation
Developing low-cost approach to improving drinking water supply
Providing international support for drinking water supply and sanitation programmes
Developing human resources to improve drinking water supply and sanitation
Studying eating
Providing information on drinking water quality
Recycling beverage containers
Withholding information on drinking water quality
Consuming alcohol
Preventing drug and alcohol misuse in the work place
Passing legislation on blood alcohol levels
Nationalizing liquor production
Vanquishing evil forces
Forming relationships with sacred animals
Maintaining healthy drinking standards
Abstaining from alcohol
Reporting negligence in the food and drink production sector

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