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Transportation, Telecommunications → Transportation

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Organizations relating to Transportation

International Association for Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels / Atlanta GA, USA / Est. 1986
International Council of Bottled Water Associations / Markham ON, Canada
International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine / Est. 1959
Global Net Neutrality Coalition / Est. 2014
Global Energy Storage Alliance / Berkeley CA, USA / Est. 2014
World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization / Yangzhou, China / Est. 2009
Arab Sea Ports Federation / Alexandria, Egypt / Est. 1976
Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1911
Gemeinschaft der Europäischen Transsibirien Operateure / St Gallen, Switzerland / Est. 1978
International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility / Lancaster, UK / Est. 2006
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2008
Sistema de Cooperación entre las Fuerzas Aéreas Americanas / Tucson AZ, USA / Est. 1961
Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association / Suva, Fiji / Est. 1997
International Union of Professional Drivers / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1951
European Airway Management Society / Est. 2003
EUROCAE / Saint-Denis, France / Est. 1963
Asociación Iberoamericana de Medicina Aerospacial / Oklahoma City OK, USA / Est. 1976
North American Strategy for Competitiveness / Dallas TX, USA / Est. 1997
Baltic Postal Union / Vilnius, Lithuania / Est. 1994
Arab Tourism Organization / Jeddah, Saudi Arabia / Est. 1954
Scandinavian UFO Information / Ringsted, Denmark / Est. 1957
Arab Permanent Postal Commission / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1952
Pan African Postal Union / Arusha, Tanzania UR / Est. 1980
International Society for Weigh-In-Motion / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2007
Nordic Boat Council / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1969
Southern Africa Postal Operators Association / Est. 2001
Asociación Latinoamericana de Derecho Aeronautico y Espacial / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1960
Conference of Posts and Telecommunications of Central Africa / Yaoundé, Cameroon / Est. 1975
World Transporter Bridges Association / Est. 2003
Aquapol / Est. 2002
Federation of Asian Motorcycle Industries / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 1999
World Committee of Maritime Culture Institutes / Busan, Korea Rep / Est. 2010
International Transportation Economics Association / Urbino, Italy / Est. 2010
Arab World Internet Institute / Kensington MD, USA
European Transport Research Alliance / Berlin, Germany / Est. 2012
HEART - European Association for Research in Transportation / Lausanne, Switzerland / Est. 2012
Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2014
Railway Transport Committee of the Maghreb / Algiers, Algeria / Est. 1964
Pontifical Council for Social Communications / Vatican City, Vatican / Est. 1948
Regional Maritime University, Accra / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1983
Central European Air Traffic Services / Est. 1997
NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force Command / Geilenkirchen, Germany / Est. 1980
UNIDO International Solar Energy Centre for Technology Promotion and Transfer / Lanzhou, China / Est. 2006
Ecole africaine de la méteorologie et de l'aviation civile / Niamey, Niger / Est. 1963
Multinational Higher School of Telecommunications of Dakar / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1981
Union of African Shippers' Councils / Douala, Cameroon / Est. 1977
Secretaria de Integración Turistica Centroamericana / Managua, Nicaragua / Est. 1965
International Industry Working Group / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1970
Council of Arab Ministers of Tourism / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1998
European Union Cyclists' Group

View all profiles (5389 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Transportation

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Inadequate transport infrastructure
Inadequate transportation facilities for rural communities
Transport accidents
Cruelty to livestock during transportation

Action Strategies relating to Transportation

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Researching transport
Setting safety standards for sea travel
Strengthening education on urban energy and transportation services
Conserving energy in transportation
Developing air pollution control technology for urban industry and transportation
Improving urban transport
Providing training to staff in the urban energy and transportation services
Providing loans to the transportation sector
Integrating urban land use and transportation planning
Adopting laws to prevent the illegal export or import of hazardous waste
Ensuring efficient and environmental sound urban transportation systems
Undertaking public information campaigns on environmental impact of urban transportation
Strengthening safeguards on movement of nuclear-weapons grade materials
Facilitating international information exchanges on urban transportation
Providing public transport information
Assessing health and environment impacts of transport systems
Promoting public transportation systems
Developing transportation means
Supplying senior citizen transportation
Developing transportation facilities
Buying corporate transportation unit
Widening all transportation channels
Reducing job transportation costs
Increasing available air transportation
Expanding road and water transportation

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