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UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 4: Quality Education

Organizations relating to Books

International Auto/Biography Association / Est. 1999
International Association of Book and Paper Conservators / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1957
East African Book Development Association / Kampala, Uganda / Est. 1998
Pan African Booksellers Association / Eldoret, Kenya / Est. 1997
Private Libraries Association / Hull, UK / Est. 1957
Internationale Gesellschaft für Schulbuch- und Bildungsmedienforschung / Augsburg, Germany / Est. 1997
Adjudicating Committee for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize / Reykjavik, Iceland / Est. 1961
ASEAN Book Publishers Association / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 2005
EUROLIM - Federation of Limousin Herd Books within the European Union / Llandovery, UK / Est. 1989
Regional Centre for the Promotion of Books in Latin America and the Caribbean / Bogota, Colombia / Est. 1971
International Organization for Qumrân Studies / Leuven, Belgium / Est. 1989
Fund for Central and East European Book Projects / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1992
International Society of Copier and Computergraphic Artists / Est. 1982
Braille Without Borders / Swisttal, Germany / Est. 1998
Books For Africa / St Paul MN, USA / Est. 1988
Early Book Society / New York NY, USA / Est. 1987
Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research / Braunschweig, Germany / Est. 1951
Hesperian Health Guides / Berkeley CA, USA / Est. 1973
Health Books International / St Albans, UK / Est. 1965
Centre africain de formation à l'édition et à la diffusion / Tunis, Tunisia / Est. 1989
Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium / Straelen, Germany / Est. 1978
International Law Book Facility / London, UK / Est. 2005
Books2Africa / Canterbury, UK / Est. 2012
International Booksellers Federation / Est. 1956
Institute of Arab Manuscripts / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1964
Fédération internationale des écrivains de langue française / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 1982
International Federation of Booksellers' Associations
Arthur Rackham Society / Torrance CA, USA / Est. 1984
International Book Project / Est. 1966
African Book Bank International / Lagos, Nigeria
Mystery Readers International / Berkeley CA, USA / Est. 1975
Books for the World / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1994
Antiquarian Booksellers Association International / London, UK / Est. 1906
SGC International / Kennesaw GA, USA / Est. 1972
Exchange of Letters Constituting an Agreement Concerning the Use of Seamen's Books as Travel Documents / Est. 1964
Exchange of Letters Constituting an Agreement Concerning the Use of the Seaman's Book as a Travel Document / Est. 1964
Scientific Book International
Associated Readers of Tarot International / Greeley CO, USA / Est. 1972
Comité mondial du braille
Centre international - Livre et la tradition / Brussels, Belgium
Centro Interamericano de Libros Académicos / Est. 1965
Association du Musée des lettres et manuscrits / Paris, France / Est. 1984
Ariane / Est. 1997
European School for the Conservation of Books and Library Materials / Spoleto, Italy
International Recusant Manuscript Society / New Rochelle NY, USA
Centre européen du livre, Bruxelles / Est. 1991
Centre d'édition et de production de manuels scolaires de l'UNESCO, Yaoundé / Est. 1962
Southern African Book Development Education Trust / Est. 1993
Books for Development / Est. 1983
Royal Society for Publication of Manuscripts on Scandinavian History / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1821

View all profiles (135 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Books

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Book censorship
Outdated school materials
Biased and inaccurate history textbooks
Harmful effects of comic strips and picture-story books
Deterioration of stored documents and archives

Action Strategies relating to Books

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Supporting book publishing
Promoting free circulation of books
Promoting role of books
Preserving old books
Preserving old manuscripts
Being concerned with books
Reducing amount of book propaganda
Providing books and textbooks
Banning books
Alleviating area disparities in book production and distribution
Reinforcing area disparities in book production and distribution
Reducing delays in delivery of books and publications
Delaying delivery of books and publications
Collecting books sustainably
Correcting biased and inaccurate biology textbooks
Correcting biased and inaccurate history textbooks
Correcting inaccurate textbooks and reference books
Correcting biased and inaccurate geography textbooks
Marketing books
Collecting books
Compiling statistics on books
Translating textbooks
Standardizing textbooks
Tracing books
Promoting bookselling

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