Information → Publications
Organizations relating to Publications
Nordisk publiseringsnemnd for humanistiske og samfunnsvitenskapelige tidsskrifter / Oslo, Norway / Est. 2000
Association for the Advancement of Consumerism in the World / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1976
European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation / Zevenhuizen, Netherlands
Soutien à l'initiative privée pour l'aide a la reconstruction des pays du Sud-Est asiatique / Versailles, France / Est. 1982
Association pour la diffusion internationale francophone de livres, ouvrages et revues / Paris, France / Est. 1985
Segretariato Europeo per le Pubblicazioni Scientifiche / Bologna, Italy / Est. 1989
International Association of Authors of Comics and Cartoons
International Federation of Scientific Editors / Est. 1978
International Circulation Managers' Commission / Est. 1956
Africa World Press / Trenton NJ, USA / Est. 1979
Sociedad Internacional para el Estudio de las Relaciones de Sucesos / Seville, Spain / Est. 1998
Augustinians of the Assumption / Rome, Italy / Est. 1845
Congregatio Oblatorum Beatae Mariae Virginis / Rome, Italy / Est. 1815
Protocol Amending the Agreement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications / Est. 1949
International Agreement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications, 1910 / Est. 1910
Convention Regarding Booklets of Travellers' Postal Vouchers in the Relations between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden / Est. 1937
Convention on Interchange of Publications / Est. 1936
Convention Concerning the Exchange of Official Publications and Government Documents between States / Paris, France / Est. 1958
Agreement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications, 1949 / Est. 1949
Convention Concerning the International Exchange of Publications / Est. 1958
Convention Relative to the Exchange of Official, Scientific, Literary and Industrial Publications / Est. 1902
IFLA International Programme for Universal Availability of Publications / Est. 1980
Centre for Islamic, Middle Eastern and Asian Studies, Planning and Publications, Durban / Durban, South Africa / Est. 1964
Nordic Publications Committee for Humanist Periodicals / Est. 1974
Third World Publications
Nouvelles éditions africaines / Dakar, Senegal
Bureau of International Exchange of Publications / Est. 1925
Africa Research and Publications Project / Trenton NJ, USA
Centre international de publications oecuméniques des liturgies
European Meetings Publications Club
Africa Literature Centre, Kitwe / Kitwe, Zambia / Est. 1958
Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones ALFORJA / Est. 1980
European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation / Est. 1981
Centro Di / Florence, Italy / Est. 1968
International Circulation Managers Association / Est. 1898
Société de diffusion et de vente de publications produites par les organisations de développement d'Afrique francophone
International Commission on Publications - IUPAP
Fonds des publications des écoles européennes
Pentecôte d'Afrique / Cotonou, Benin
Publications Office of the European Union / Luxembourg, Luxembourg / Est. 1969
Association pour la promotion des publications scientifiques en langue française / Est. 1981
The Broker / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2007
European Association of Science Editors / Dymock, UK / Est. 1982
Global Publications Foundation / Uppsala, Sweden
International Network for Advancing Science and Policy / Oxford, UK / Est. 1992
Protocol to Amend the Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications / Est. 1947
Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications / Est. 1923
Order of St Augustine / Rome, Italy / Est. 1244
View all profiles (60 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
Action Strategies relating to Publications
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialProviding a clearinghouse for economic development information
Promoting free circulation of books
Strengthening science and technology information capacity
Resisting the marketing of amoral issues by media
Promoting environmental press
Supplying reading materials
Producing good low-cost publications
Collecting interesting reading material
Presenting mass publications
Producing research materials
Producing printed matter
Reducing amount of printed matter
Reducing delays in delivery of books and publications
Delaying delivery of books and publications
Improving government publications
Developing basic literacy reading materials
Accessing publications
Supporting scientific publications
Influencing mainstream publications
Exchanging publications
Researching strip cartoons
Providing technical publications
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