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Social Activity → Friendship


Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an "acquaintance" or an "association", such as a classmate, neighbor, coworker, or colleague.

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Organizations relating to Friendship

European Conference of Binational/Bicultural Relationships / Frankfurt-Main, Germany
Fédération francophone des amis de l'orgue / Aulnay-sous-Bois, France / Est. 1983
Association des amis du parc archéologique européen de Bliesbruck-Reinheim / Bliesbruck, France
Association of Nordic War and UN Military Veterans / Est. 1974
Union internationale des alsaciens / Colmar, France / Est. 1981
International Society of Friendship and Good Will / Durham NC, USA / Est. 1978
Kiwanis International / Indianapolis IN, USA / Est. 1915
World Bonsai Friendship Federation / New Hope PA, USA / Est. 1989
INTERVac - International Home Exchange Holiday Service / Paris, France / Est. 1953
Universal Great Brotherhood / Caracas, Venezuela / Est. 1948
ARA International / Québec QC, Canada / Est. 1982
Associated Humans / Paris, France / Est. 1984
Horizons of Friendship / Cobourg ON, Canada / Est. 1973
Amitiés catholiques françaises dans le mondes / Paris, France
Friends International Ministries / Ware, UK / Est. 1985
Life-Link Friendship-Schools / Uppsala, Sweden / Est. 1987
British Caribbean Association / London, UK / Est. 1958
Friends of the United Nations / Santa Monica CA, USA / Est. 1986
Bridges for Peace / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1976
South Asian Fraternity / Delhi, India
International Friendship Development Organization / Ta Khmau, Cambodia
Les Amis d'un coin de l'Inde et du monde / Croizet-sur-Gand, France / Est. 1968
China Association for International Friendly Contact / Beijing, China / Est. 1984
International Ecumenical Fraternity / Lyon, France / Est. 2000
Entraide et fraternité / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1961
DeMolay International / Kansas City MO, USA / Est. 1919
Fraternité Europe Asie / Paris, France / Est. 1967
Comité Orthodoxe des amitiés françaises dans le monde / Paris, France / Est. 1982
Amitiés acadiennes / Paris, France / Est. 1976
Multiply Christian Network / Northampton, UK / Est. 1992
Centro Italiano di Formazione Europea / Rome, Italy / Est. 1963
Société des amis de Tyr / Paris, France
United Nations Friends in Rotary / Apia, Samoa / Est. 2002
Singapore International Foundation / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 1991
Amigos de las Américas / Houston TX, USA / Est. 1965
Société internationale des amis de Montaigne / Paris, France / Est. 1913
The Bridge - Forum Dialogue / Luxembourg, Luxembourg / Est. 2000
Friendship North-South / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1990
Friends of Africa International / Aspen CO, USA
Amigos do Protocolo de Kyoto / Casoria, Italy / Est. 2005
Friendasia / Seoul, Korea Rep
World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches / Est. 1914
Sports Committee of Friendly Armies / Est. 1958
World Friendship Federation / Est. 1948
World Brotherhood Federation / Est. 1919
World Friendship Association / Est. 1945
Association of International Friendships / Est. 1926
Fraternal Democrats / Est. 1845
International Friends of the Spiritual Order / Est. 1919
Group of Friends United against Human Trafficking / Est. 2010

View all profiles (447 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Friendship

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Misuse of spiritual authority for sexual purposes
Generation communication gap
Divisive international NGO postures on consultative relationships
Decline of human relationship to nature
Underdeveloped community leadership
Unsystematic use of powerful relationships by rural communities
Friendly fire
Interpersonal estrangement
Loss of civility
Unmeaningful relationships to place
Forced social intimacy
Attenuation of group relationships
Limited spheres of relationship
Detention of family of testifiers

Action Strategies relating to Friendship

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Relating to nature
Using companion planting
Pursuing human rights
Expanding databases on production and consumption patterns
Assessing relationships between production-consumption and sustainable development
Holding community meetings
Improving research on links among global cycles
Developing electronic interfaces
Twinning housing blocks
Strengthening relationships
Enhancing relationships
Building right human relations
Being penpals
Establishing friendly relations among neighbouring cities
Using transparent, user-friendly risk assessment methodology for setting sustainable development priorities
Changing spiritual attitudes towards relationships
Developing eco-tourism business strategies for biodiversity conservation
Searching for intimacy with God
Supporting user-friendly technology to improve multidisciplinary research and public awareness on the environment
Empowering renounceable relationship contracts
Forming relationships with sacred animals
Rehearsing wider corporate identity
Promoting international friendship
Establishing relationships among global projects
Recovering intentional global relatedness

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