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Fundamental Sciences → Heat


In thermodynamics, heat is energy in transfer between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings by modes other than thermodynamic work and transfer of matter. Such modes are microscopic, mainly thermal conduction, radiation, and friction, as distinct from the macroscopic modes, thermodynamic work and transfer of matter. For a closed system, the heat involved in a process is the difference in internal energy between the final and initial states of a system, and subtracting the work done in the process. For a closed system, this is the formulation of the first law of thermodynamics.

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Organizations relating to Heat

Society for Low Temperature Biology / Est. 1964
European Centre for Advanced Studies in Thermodynamics / Nancy, France / Est. 1989
International Organizing Committee for European Conferences on Thermophysical Properties / Thessaloniki, Greece / Est. 1968
International Study of Arctic Change / Calgary AB, Canada
European High Temperature Reactor Technology Network / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2000
International Congresses on Thermal Stresses / Lexington KY, USA
Assembly for the International Heat Transfer Conferences / Beijing, China / Est. 1966
Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry / Est. 1973
Australasian Fluids and Thermal Engineering Society / Barton ACT, Australia
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers / Lanham MD, USA / Est. 1903
Association des producteurs et coucheurs de papiers thermo-réactifs
Association européenne de médecine thermale et bioclimatologie
European High Temperature Nuclear Power Stations Society / Est. 1971
International College of Thermology / Huntington Woods MI, USA / Est. 1987
Asian-Pacific Federation of Thermology / Tokyo, Japan
International Institute for Cryosurgery / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1997
IAGOD Commission on Thermodynamics of Ore Forming Fluids / Moscow, Russia
Cold Regions Research Centre / Waterloo ON, Canada / Est. 1988
International Thermal Storage Advisory Council / Est. 1986
ESF Network on Fishes of the Antarctic Ocean / Est. 1994
International Academy of Clinical Thermology / Redwood City CA, USA / Est. 1983
International Conference on Cryogenics / Kolkata, India / Est. 1985
International College of Cryo-Surgeons / Manila, Philippines
European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling / Est. 2006
Communauté de l'isolation thermique et acoustique / Est. 1962
Centre international de médecine thermale et climatique
International Heat Stress Research Centre, Khartoum / Khartoum, Sudan
International Commission on Low Temperature Physics / Est. 1949
Comité internationale de profilage à froid / West Bromwich, UK
European Seminar of Applied Thermodynamics / Est. 1974
Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference / Est. 1986
International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses (with High Entropy Alloys) / Est. 2000
International Hypothermia and Temperature Management Symposium / Est. 2004
International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
Conference on Quantum Thermodynamics / Est. 2013
International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems / Est. 2000
International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer / Est. 1999
Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow / Est. 2007
Asian Society for Hyperthermic Oncology / Nara, Japan
International Association for Hyperthermic Oncology
European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology / Jena, Germany / Est. 1987
International Meeting on Thermodiffusion / Est. 1994
International Heat Flow Commission / Genoa, Italy / Est. 1963
International Society for Biological Calorimetry / Est. 1972
International Company for the Development of Combined Transport and of Controlled-Temperature Transport / Est. 1993
International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures / Wroclaw, Poland / Est. 1968
Güteschutzgemeinschaft Hartschaum / Celle, Germany / Est. 1961
International Centre for Applied Thermodynamics / Est. 1997

View all profiles (100 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Heat

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Pattern of Cold violating the Lung in the body
Pattern of Wind Heat obstructing Meridians in the body
Patterns of Deficient Cold in Spleen and Stomach in the body
Pattern of Fire Heat poison collecting in Lower Burner in the body
Pattern of Damp Heat in Spleen and Gall Bladder in the body
Patterns of Damp Heat in the body
Pattern of extreme Heat generating Wind in the body
Global warming
Inadequate protection from cold weather
Heat stress at work
Nuclear winter
Cold as an occupational hazard
Excessive climatic heat
Inadequate waste incineration
Patterns of Heat disharmony of the body
Cold torture
Environmental pollution by nuclear reactors
Thermal pollution
Detrimental changes in ocean characteristics
Threatened polar desert habitats
Numbness towards others

Action Strategies relating to Heat

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Incinerating wastes
Using high-performance windows
Reducing heat loss in buildings
Giving priority to cryogenic storage
Using cogeneration of electricity and heat
Recovering heat from natural ventilation systems
Using solar power to heat water
Adapting to heatwave conditions
Treating waste by incineration
Developing cryogenic storage for endangered plant species
Conserving available home heat
Reducing thermal pollution
Monitoring thermal pollution
Managing hot weather violence
Improving protection from cold weather
Improving acclimatization of buildings
Providing heating in cold countries
Promoting contact among thermal scientists
Transporting goods under controlled temperature
Advancing thermal sciences
Linking thermal analysts
Procuring cryopreservation
Distributing heat

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