Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

Life on Land

Goal 15 is about conserving life on land. It is to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and stop biodiversity loss.

Earth’s ecosystems are vital for sustaining human life, they contribute to over half of global GDP and encompass diverse cultural, spiritual, and economic values.

However, the world is facing a triple crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.

Between 2015 and 2019, at least 100 million hectares of healthy and productive land were degraded every year, impacting the lives of 1.3 billion people.

Agricultural expansion is the direct driver of almost 90 per cent of deforestation. This is in direct relation to our food systems, and oil palm harvesting accounted for 7 per cent of global deforestation from 2000 to 2018.

Global and regional efforts to sustain forest ecosystems as well as their social, economic and environmental functions are essential, in particular for developing countries and the tropics.

We need to shift humanity’s relationship with nature to achieve Goal 15, and realise that nature is the root of our life of earth. The recently adopted Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework provides renewed impetus for Goal 15, outlining four outcome- oriented goals to be achieved by 2050 and 23 targets to be achieved by 2030.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations

WAITRO 1970 Nanjing China B yt

World Association of Marine Stations

WAMS 2010 E y

World Association of Soil and Water Conservation

WASWAC 1983 Beijing China B

World Association of Zoos and Aquariums

WAZA 1946 Barcelona Spain C y

World Bank - WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use

WB - WWF Forest Alliance 1998 Washington DC USA E

World Benchmarking Alliance

WBA Amsterdam Netherlands C y

World Bioenergy Association

WBA 2008 Stockholm Sweden C

World Blue Chain: for the Protection of Animals and Nature

1962 Brussels Belgium F

World Business Council for Sustainable Development

WBCSD 1995 Geneva Switzerland C

World Carfree Network

1997 F

World Cetacean Alliance

WCA Brighton UK C y

World Climate Foundation

WCF Copenhagen Denmark J

World Conference on Marine Biodiversity


World Congress Alternatives and Environment

1979 Vienna Austria S cv

World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production

WCGALP 1974 S c

World Conservation Trust

IWMC 1994 Lausanne Switzerland E

World Council for Automobile Mobility and Tourism

Paris France K

World Council on City Data

WCCD Toronto ON Canada J

World Culture Forum

WCF Delhi India G

World Environment Center

WEC 1974 Silver Spring MD USA E

World Environmental Education Congress Network

2003 Turin Italy F

World Evangelical Alliance Sustainability Center

WEA Sustainability Center 2018 Bonn Germany G

World Farmers' Organisation

WFO 2011 Rome Italy C

World Federation for Animals


World Federation of Doctors who Respect Human Life

WFDWRHL 1974 Ostend Belgium C

World Federation of Engineering Organizations

WFEO 1968 Paris France A y

World Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors & Descendants

WFJHS&D 1987 Burlington MA USA E

World Federation of Scientific Workers

WFSW 1946 Mont-Saint-Aignan France C

World Federation of the Bergen Belsen Associations

1945 New York NY USA E

World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations

WFTGA 1985 Vienna Austria C

World Federation of United Nations Associations

WFUNA 1946 New York NY USA E

World for World Organization

WFWO 2001 Rome Italy G

World Forest Institute

WFI 1989 Portland OR USA G j

World Forestry Center, Portland

WFC 1989 Portland OR USA G

World Forestry Congress

1926 Rome Italy S c

World Forum for Acoustic Ecology

WFAE 1993 Fairfield VIC Australia F

World Future Council

WFC 2007 Hamburg Germany F f

World Geospatial Industry Council

WGIC 2018 The Hague Netherlands C t

World Green Building Council

WorldGBC 1999 Toronto ON Canada E

World Green Design Organization

WGDO 2012 Beijing China J

World Green Economy Organization

WGEO Dubai United Arab Emirates J g

World Green Infrastructure Network

WGIN 2008 F

World Green Tea Association

Shizuoka Japan N

World Health Innovation Summit

WHIS Carlisle UK J

World Health Organization

WHO 1946 Geneva Switzerland B g

World Hereford Council

WHC 1951 E

World Heritage Centre

WHC 1992 Paris France E g

World Heritage Committee

1976 Paris France E g

World Heritage Watch

WHW 2014 Berlin Germany G y

World Horse Welfare

1927 Snetterton UK G
