Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Responsible Consumption & Production

Goal 12 is about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, which is key to sustain the livelihoods of current and future generations.

Our planet is running out of resources, but populations are continuing to grow. If the global population reaches 9.8 billion by 2050, the equivalent of almost three planets will be required to provide the natural resources needed to sustain current lifestyles.

We need to change our consumption habits, and shifting our energy supplies to more sustainable ones are one of the main changes we must make if we are going to reduce our consumption levels. However, global crises triggered a resurgence in fossil fuel subsidies, nearly doubling from 2020 to 2021.

We are seeing promising changes in industries, including the trend towards sustainability reporting being on the rise, almost tripling the amount of published sustainability over just a few years, showing increased levels of commitment and awareness that sustainability should be at the core of business practices.

Food waste is another sign of over consumption, and tackling food loss is urgent and requires dedicated policies, informed by data, as well as investments in technologies, infrastructure, education and monitoring. A staggering 931 million tons of food is wasted a year, despite a huge number of the global population going hungry.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future

ULSF 1992 Wayland MA USA G

Association of Vacuum Equipment Manufacturers International

AVEM International 1969 Albuquerque NM USA N

Association pour la réhabilitation et le transfert humanitaires d'équipements médicaux et d'installations de santé


Association pour le développement agro-industriel du Sahel

ADAIS 1983 Vaux-en-Bugey France G t

Association pour les Produits Propres et Parentéraux

A3P 1986 Lyon France G

Association régionale pour le développement de la coopération industrielle internationale

ADECI 1980 Marseille France G t

Association technique de l'industrie européenne des lubrifiants

ATIEL 1976 Brussels Belgium D t

Association transfrontalière du pôle européen de développement

PED 1985 Longwy France F g

Associazione Botteghe del Mondo

1979 Sementina Switzerland G

Ateliers sans frontières

2003 Bonneuil-sur-Marne France G

Atlantic Salmon Trust

AST 1967 Perth UK F v

Atlas Service Corps

2006 Washington DC USA G

ATM Industry Association

ATMIA 1997 G t

Australasian Association for Quality in Health Care

AAQHC 1990 Gold Coast QLD Australia N

Australasian Business Ethics Network

ABEN 2010 N

Australasian Tax Teachers Association

ATTA 1987 N

Australasian Wader Studies Group

AWSG 1981 Heathmont VIC Australia G v

Australian Business Volunteers

ABV 1981 Strawberry Hills NSW Australia G

Australian Council for International Development

ACFID 1965 Deakin ACT Australia G y


2007 J

Baltic Bast Crops Growers' and Producers' Association


Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance

BICG 2009 Vilnius Lithuania D j


Stockholm Sweden G f

Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens

BKMC 2015 Vienna Austria E

Banana Link

1996 Norwich UK G

Bariloche Foundation

1963 Bariloche Argentina G f

Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation for Damage Resulting from Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal

1999 T g

Bat Conservation International

BCI 1982 Austin TX USA G v

Battery Council International

BCI 1924 Chicago IL USA G

Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-Governmental Organization

BOBP-IGO 2003 Chennai India E g

BE User Group

Exton PA USA E

Bears in Mind

1993 Rhenen Netherlands G f

Belgian Corporation for International Investment

1971 Brussels Belgium G e

BEMA - The Baking Industry Suppliers Association

1918 Overland Park KS USA G t

Benelux Convention on Mandatory Civil Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles

1966 Brussels Belgium T g

Benelux Convention on Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection

1982 Brussels Belgium T g

BeNeLux Travel Retail Association

BTRA Hoofddorp Netherlands D

BERAS International Foundation

2015 Järna Sweden F f

Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation

BRPF 1963 Nottingham UK F f


BF 2009 Brussels Belgium D

Better Tourism Africa

2006 G

BIFMA International

1973 Grand Rapids MI USA G

Bio-based Industries Consortium

BIC 2013 Brussels Belgium D t

Biocides for Europe

Brussels Belgium E y

Biodiversity and Economics for Conservation

BIOECON 2000 Leipzig Germany F y

Biodiversity Conservancy International

1995 Ottawa ON Canada G

Bioencapsulation Research Group

BRG 1990 Sucé sur Erdre France F

Bioresources Development and Conservation Programme

BDCP Washington DC USA G

Biosphere Expeditions

1999 Blackrock Ireland F


1988 D
