Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 8 is about promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Multiple crises are placing the global economy under serious threat. Global real GDP per capita growth is forecast to slow down in 2023 and with ever increasing challenging economic conditions, more workers are turning to informal employment.

Globally, labour productivity has increased and the unemployment rate has decreased. However, more progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, especially for young people, reduce informal employment and labour market inequality (particularly in terms of the gender pay gap), promote safe and secure working environments, and improve access to financial services to ensure sustained and inclusive economic growth.

The global unemployment rate declined significantly in 2022, falling to 5.4 per cent from a peak of 6.6 per cent in 2020 as economies began recovering from the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. This rate was lower than the pre-pandemic level of 5.5 per cent in 2019.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Inclusive Development International

IDI 2011 Asheville NC USA G

Independent Business Owners Association International

IBOAI 1959 Grand Rapids MI USA N

Independent Music Companies Association

IMPALA 2000 Brussels Belgium D y

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

IOOF 1819 Winston-Salem NC USA R

Independent Retail Europe

1963 Brussels Belgium D yt

Independent South Asian Commission on Poverty Alleviation

ISACPA 1991 Kathmandu Nepal K gv

Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations

ICRIER 1981 Delhi India G

Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society International

IEOM Society International Southfield MI USA J

Industrial Workers of the World

IWW 1905 Chicago IL USA G t

industriAll European Trade Union

industriALL Europe 2012 Brussels Belgium D t

Industrianställda i Norden

2006 Stockholm Sweden D t

InFocus Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment

SafeWork Geneva Switzerland K g


1995 Washington DC USA F f


1985 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire F g


1977 Montevideo Uruguay F g

Information Africa Organization

2009 Nairobi Kenya J

Information Bureau for Peace Work

1978 Meckenheim Germany G

Information Economy and Society Partnership


Information Network Focus on Religious Movements

INFORM 1988 London UK G

Information Resources Management Association

IRMA 1988 Hershey PA USA N

Information Security Forum

ISF 1989 London UK F y

Information System on Occupational Exposure

ISOE 1992 Boulogne-Billancourt France E

Information Workers for Peace

1983 Oslo Norway G

Inforpress Centroamericana

1974 Guatemala Guatemala N


2003 Windhoek Namibia F g

Ingénieurs du monde

IdM 1999 Geneva Switzerland G

Initiative Communautaire Changer la Vie/NAZEMSE

ICCV/NAZEMSE 2002 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso G

Initiative for the Development of Africa

IDA Dakar Senegal G

Initiative pour un Pacte Climat européen

IPPCE Brussels Belgium J v

Innovations for Poverty Action

IPA 2002 New Haven CT USA G


1957 Fontainebleau France F j

INSOL Europe

1981 Nottingham UK D v

Inspire - the European Partnership for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Inspire E y

Institut africain de gestion urbaine

IAGU 1987 Dakar Senegal G j

Institut Africain pour le Développement Economique et Social - Centre Africain de Formation

INADES-Formation 1977 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire E j

Institut Afrique Monde

IAM 2013 Paris France G

Institut Belleville

IB 1984 Paris France G j

Institut d'études du développement économique et social

IEDES 1958 Nogent-sur-Marne France G j

Institut de coopération sociale internationale

ICOSI 1983 Paris France E j

Institut de financement du développement du Maghreb Arabe, Tunis

1981 Tunis Tunisia G j

Institut de formation et de recherche démographiques

IFORD 1972 Yaoundé Cameroon E gj

Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement

IHEID 2008 Geneva Switzerland G j

Institut de l'économie et du commerce international

ILECI 1987 Paris France G j

Institut de la francophonie pour l'entrepreneuriat

IFE 1999 Réduit Mauritius G j

Institut de management hôtelier international

IMHI 1981 Cergy-Pontoise France N j

Institut de Prospective économique du Monde Méditerranéen

IPEMED 2006 Paris France D j

Institut de recherche pour la gestion des associations et des coopératives, Fribourg

1976 Fribourg Switzerland G j

Institut de recherches et d'applications des méthodes de développement

IRAM 1956 Paris France G j

Institut du Travail d’Afrique Centrale

ITAC 2005 Kinshasa Congo DR J

Institut européen de management international

IEMI 1981 Paris France G j
